121: Little Majesty 12

242 19 3

Where the Night Watchman hadn't succeeded, the college entrance exam did. Faced with this test paper, Zong Yan was filled with fear.

Wait a minute, what was going on? How did he suddenly appear in the exam room of the college entrance exam?

Zong Yan's brain was full of fog.

When he went to Pohnpei to deal with the mess created by the R'lyeh sect, there was more than a month remaining before the college entrance exam. Was it possible that when he returned to his original world, his progress on the timeline had suddenly accelerated because of all the time travel he'd done?

He crossed through spatial barriers twice, and there wasn't much time in between. Zong Yan was feeling light-headed, but there weren't many other side effects. He just felt dizzy as he sat in his seat.

Zong Yan couldn't help thinking it was like something from a dream.

He suddenly woke up to find himself sitting in the college entrance exam room totally unprepared. He was forced to go into battle without any chance to review.

He couldn't imagine a worse situation.

He stared at the questions on the test paper and leaned over to pick up the pen that fell to the floor. Suddenly the sound of high heels sounded in the quiet exam room.

"Don't move from your seat. The teacher will pick up the pen for you."

The exam proctor standing at the lectern pushed up his glasses. A pair of eyes like a falcon swept across the seats and settled on Zong Yan.

The strictness of conditions inside the college entrance exam room should require no elaboration. There were two teachers present. One stood at the podium and watched from the front, while a second teacher walked around the classroom and kept an eye on things from behind. The exam room had stringent monitoring, and patrolling teachers wearing assignment badges occasionally passed by the classroom windows outside.

Each of the college entrance exam students were buried in the exam questions. A few students had already been warned by the proctor for looking to the right or left. If it happened again, their names would be taken down.

Thanks to these hiccups, the test takers in this exam room were on edge, placing their entire focus on the black-and-white test paper in front of them.

This exam wouldn't just affect the first half of their lives. It was the culmination of their entire twelve-year learning career. The biggest thing on their minds was the lack of time. None of them thought there was enough.

As the teacher helped Zong Yan pick up his ink pen and set it on his desk, her eyes swept over the test sheets that were laid flat in front of him.

The first page was completely blank, and there were only forty minutes left before the end of the exam. Not a single character was written on the answer sheet.

Had this candidate given up? Was he going to hand in a blank exam?

The teacher looked over at the examinee and saw what seemed to be a thin layer of sweat on the shapely bridge of his nose. The student's face didn't look good. His face was so pale it almost blended into the exam paper.

"Student, are you not feeling well?"

"It's okay. I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

The black-haired teen calmly took out a tissue from the see-through document pouch beside him and wiped his face.

Some of his black hair was a little too long and fell onto his forehead, making it hard to see his expression at the moment.

"It's okay. Just hurry up and answer the questions. Don't give up. There's only about half an hour left until the end of the exam."

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