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Minus presented himself as a man of ugly appearance and shabby: big teeth, messy hair, extreme shortness and chubbiness.

"Hecatee, kill him, he killed mum and dad!" chanted Hecate.

"You little..." whispered Harry, kissing her temple, drawing the attention of the three Malandrin.

"Oh!" said Pettigrew in a startled whisper "The cursed daughter ..Hecate...Alex Aries' daughter, the girl with two faces!" exclaimed Pettigrew.

"Shut up!" said Sofia with completely black eyes.

"Sofia, calm down!" said Lupin, Sofia turned her neck nervously as she continued to shape-shift.


"Sofia..." her uncle said taking her shoulders "Alex had this problem too, James and I always helped him... let me be your outlet, let me help you!" exclaimed Sirius.

Sofia fell without strength into his arms. Her uncle stroked her hair as the girl's heart returned to normal, bright as the sun.

"Here Harry," Sirius said, handing his niece to his godson as if she were his most precious possession.

With that said, Lunastorta released her grip on Pettigrew.

" old friends!" said Pettigrew trying to escape, but Sofia closed the door with a wave of her hand. At this point, Wormtail turned around, looking for someone who could help him.

"Sofia, sweet girl! You're all Alex, but your eyes are Black! Look how well you've grown, you have Selene's curls!" he said, brushing his finger over her hair.

"Get away from my granddaughter immediately!" said Sirius furiously, while Sofia smiled softly. Once again, Pettigrew tried to get help.

"Harry! Look at you... you look so much like your father, James, we were such great friends!" said Pettigrew.

"How dare you address Harry!" said Sirius, Pettigrew ran over by the piano "How dare you talk about James in front of him!"- exclaimed Sirius angrily, as he and Lupin pointed their wands at them.

"You sold James and Lily, Selene and Alex to Voldemort, didn't you?" said Remus equally angry.

"I didn't mean to do that..." whined Pettigrew "The Dark Lord, you can't imagine the weapons he possesses. Ask yourself Sirius, what would you have done?"- asked Pettigrew.

"I would have died! I would have died rather than betray my friends! I would have died rather than leave my granddaughter alone, with no one, all this time!" exclaimed Sirius, Sofia smiled into Harry's arms, Pettigrew tried to escape, crawling under the dusty piano. Ahead of him, the way out, salvation... he certainly hadn't expected to see Harry standing at the door, as Sofia was now close to Ron.

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