This Was Not Supposed to Happen

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"Your answer Jinho?"

"I guess, if she wants to, its not my problem anyways."

"Thanks Jinho, I owe you one."

"...whatever, lets just go."

"Guys look outside! Its Areum and Chareum the two girls at my class!" Myung-Hee calls us out as she lean to the window that could see the hallway.

We lean to the window and saw Areum and Chareum fighting.


'I should go meet them now, I wonder what they're up to.'

At afar I could see Chareum and Areum fighting and shouting in the hall way while Hayan stands beside Chareum helping.

'Should I ignore it? I mean, its not my problem...wait is that Kim Deokgu?'

"What are you guys doing here fighting in the middle of the hallway?" Kim Deokgu approached Chareum and Hayan.

"Well blame Areum. She started this fight. Tch." Chareum declined.

"I agree with Chareum." Hayan nods towards to Kim Deokgu.

"What? What do you mean? You started this!" Areum screams as her eyebrows slant.

"I dont care who started this but, you guys better stop your little fight or I'll call the principal."

'Ha, and here I thought the plot changed. This scene is already familiar. The novel talked about Chareum and Hayan but never mentioned, They named them 'girls'. they were just characters to make a scene.'


(As Myung-Hee, Lee Kiyoung, Jae-Sun and Jinho goes to the hallway to go home they encountered Areum fighting with two student girls. She saw Kim Deokgu was helping the two student girls. Myung-Hee hated her a lot since she always make a scene but decided to not let her hatred spread and kept calm.

She approached Kim Deokgu and grabbed his arm and yelled "Stop this! Why are you guys fighting?"

"Its..." Kim Deokgu flustered as he realized that she was holding his hand.

"Um- Myung-Hee actually Areum started this fight..." the random student stutters as she answers.

"Areum, did you perhaps...started this fight?"

"Stop assuming." Areum quickl declined.

"No-I was just-"

"Sigh, fine i did it. I started this fight. Are you happy?"

"No that's not what i-"

" you know why i hate you?"

"Please tell me!"

"Is because I... I wanted attention from you and I like you")


'She's going to confess. I have nothing to do with this, I want to leave but they are blocking the way.'

"Stop this! what are you guys doing?"

'Ok...I see some changes...'

"Its none of your business."


"Hey whats going on?" Lee kiyoung comes closer to the scene.


"Why are you doing this Areum?" Myung-Hee softly questions Areum.

'I see some difference but its ok, its now your time to shine Areum."

"Its...none of your business blueberry." Areum declined in what I didnt expect.

'...this is still ok...'

"Chareum! Areum! Are you guys ok?!"

'Yuo is using my body...but its still ok... Nothing going to change right?'


'Why did Areum stutter?'

"Are you perhaps Areum?"

"I am..." Areum stutters.

'Wait a minute..'

"Seo-yeon can I talk with you." Areum closes her eyes as she says the words confidently.

'ThiS is so sudden and confusing...Yuo I will litterally murder you in your sleep.'

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