3. Welcome to the Kingdom

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Espresso's POV
Latté and I entered the busy kingdom. I wasn't used to witnessing the bright hue. My village is always foggy and dull, but this kingdom reminded me of a city sized piñata of some kind. I hurt my eyes.

Latté, on the other hand, looked like she was enjoying herself. She ran up to cookies to shake their hands and she kept caressing buildings. It was then that I realized I didn't have a place to stay. I know Latté booked a hotel for herself so that she could do things other than watch me attempt at a dance. She, unfortunately, forgot to book a room for me, as well. I hope I could find somewhere to stay.

"Oh, Espresso. Look!" Latté nudged me and pointed to a large castle make of the finest gingerbread I've ever seen and smelt.

I roll my eyes and sigh as I walked slowly up to the doors following Latté speed up the steps.

Madeleine's POV
"Commander," I turn around to see Knight standing a few feet behind me. "The auditions are about to begin. Are you almost ready? Her highness is waiting."

I turn to face him and nod. "Yeah! I'm ready!"

"Good." he walked out of my room and shut the door again. Honestly, if he wanted me in the ballroom right NOW, he didn't have to close the door.

Before I left, I tied my hair into the same ponytail as last night and adjusted my tie. I felt awkward in this suit. It was tight, especially at the top. At least I looked good.

Espresso's POV
We entered the castle followed by other cookies as well. "If you will follow me, please." a cookie in the very front of the line bowed. He led us farther into the castlet into a room between the shining double staircases.

Latté stared at the place in awe, while I felt confused and uncomfortable.

Why was that one lobby place we started in so big? There was so much space, surely you don't need that big of a room to put in a few paintings along the walls.

We entered the room the cookie brought us to. It was a ball room. I had seen one once in a movie, but if was fascinating to see in person. "The commander should be here, shortly. Go ahead and have a seat. Get to know each other, as well. We'll begin soon." the cookie announced.

The commander? Isn't that a high class Knight of some sort?

The cookie began to walk around to the other cookies in the room taking attendance. Latté giggled and nudged me pointing in the distance. "You excited!"

"Not sure if I want to dance with any of these cookies here." I mutter quietly looking around. They were all girls. "Wait." Shit. I was the only male cookie. No wonder everyone was staring at me.

Latté noticed at the same time as I did. "Well, if you get chosen, I heard it's be the first make to ball dance with the commander~"

I widen my eyes, "WHAT?!" I shout, "You said TWO cookies would be chosen to dance with each other at the ball! You never said it'd be with a commander!" I shout quietly. I feel my cheeks warm up.

Latté shrugged, "I realized on the Candy Train that I misread the flyer," she smirked at me. "They're actually choosing one cookie to dance with the Kingdom's commander." she shrugged again and giggled to herself.

I punch her arm hard before the cookie comes to me with a clipboard and stared at me, "Espresso Cookie, you are?" he mutters.

I stare at him, "Yes, th-that's me."

He suddenly smiles at me and bows, "Knight Cookie. Pleasure to meet you," he stands straight and looks at Latté, "Are you two new to the kingdom?"

Latté nodded, "Yep. We're from Java Village," she smiled. "I'm Latté and I'm Espresso's twin sister." Latté gestured her hand toward me and winked. I dread her winks. They always lean toward something bad.

Knight Cookie took my hand and bowed again. "Well, Welcome to Cookie Kingdom. The commander is egar to meet you." he let go of my hand and walked the clipboard over to the back of the ball room.

I blush slightly. Egar to see... Me? I shake my head and roll my eyes smacking the smile off of my face and painting my normal resting face on. No. He's just SAYING that.

Madeleine's POV
I'm so excited to see that cookie~ I think to myself. I wait at the closed door to the ball room and take deep breaths.

Knight enters and stared at me, "Ready?" he asked.

I slowly nod my head yes and put on a confident face and attitude. Remember. Treat every cookie equally and DON'T choose favorites so quickly... I tell myself.

Knight nods and blows on his trumpet. "All cookies rise for her highness' commander. Madeleine Cookie,"

Knight opened the door allowing me to slip past and reveal myself to all of the screaming fan girl cookies in the room.

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