They're Real To Me

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They're not real, you hear them say,
But it feels real when in bed you only lay,
When another one of the characters dies,
And a dark shadow covers the skies.
I get attached too quick and loose them too fast,
Wondering which death will finally be the last?
Aren't they only fictional, you hear them ask,
And you have to put on a mask.
They don't understand how's it to loose a friend,
Witness their lover meet their end.
They don't understand how's it to laugh at their jokes,
And share their hopes.
To live out their wars,
And see them become stars.
To live through their tragedies,
And see their victories.
To tag along on their adventures,
And take mental pictures.
To live their story,
And all you can do is worry,
Will they die or will they live?
What options will they give?
Will they win or will they loose?
Which option will they choose?
Will they give up or will they fight?
What is dark and what is light?
They're real to me,
And always will be.

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