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THE day was going pretty normal so far- Hoseok was sleeping upside down, Namjoon was hugging a pan to sleep, and Yoongi was just.....Yoongi.

Hoseok, who was an early bird, flipped around, before stretching and getting up. Yawning, he glanced at the time on his phone, seeing that it wasn't that late yet- so of course, he took his time getting ready, before waking Namjoon and Yoongi up- swiftly dodging a kick from Yoongi while at it. Namjoon woke up looking lost- and he looked even more confused once he saw the pan in his hand.

"....How'd this appear out of nowhere?"

"....Do we even own a pan?"

"I think so...."

Deciding not to question anything anymore, the three took their sweet time getting ready for their dance practice.

"Let's get going. Noona might already be there. She'll get mad if we're not on time." With that being said, the three rushed towards the dance practice room- but were surprised to find it empty.

Yoongi blinked, as he cautiously walked in, followed by Namjoon and Hoseok. They slowly put their stuff in the corner of the room, looking around to find the female who might just be trying to scare them.

"....Noona- we know you're here." Yoongi said with a flat voice, as Namjoon and Hoseok hid behind him.

"She isn't actually." Hoseok let out a scream, as Namjoon let out a gasp of fear, while Yoongi looked ready to K.O whoever was in front of them.

But it turned out to be their choreographer/Dance teacher, Son Sungdeuk, who laughed lightly at the guys.

"Calm down boys, it's just me."

The three blushed in embarrassment, as they cleared their throat and straightened up.

"We're sorry...." They choroused, red from head to toe.

"It's alright, don't worry about it."

After an awkward silence, Yoongi quickly broke it. "What did you mean by Noona not being here?"

"Yeah she never told me."

"She didn't tell me either."

"Well, we're looking to recruit new talent. But since there has been a slight shortage on the staff working on recruiting, she was asked to help. She'll be back before you know it."

"Ah yeah! I completely forgot! She texted me about it!" Namjoon grinned sheepishly.

"Oh that's reliving. I did think it was strange of her to not tell her teammates." Sungdeuk replied with a small chuckle.

Yoongi blinked, feeling some sort of pull at his heart. How come....she didn't inform him first, but informed Namjoon instead? It's not like he had anything against the kid, or his Noona....it's just they've never really had the time to hangout together anymore, and it was as though she was paying more attention to the other two members instead of him.

Yoongi didn't want to feel like this- and he genuinely really liked Namjoon and Hoseok- but.....he missed Mina. Although he might've seemed as though he never really gave any effort to their friendship, he did....and he liked their friendship. He felt as though he was with his Hyung back at home when he was around her. He just missed spending time with her. She made sure he never felt homesick- and he somehow never did when she was around. They always did things Yoongi and his Hyung would sometimes do when he was back at Daegu. She also did stuff he would do with his....parents.

Parents....Yoongi missed his mom and dad dearly. After their last argument, Yoongi and his parents weren't exactly on speaking terms. He did however sometimes speak to his elder brother- but that still didn't help, as even his brother was far away from him. He craved affection....affection from his parents, affection from his brother- and thankfully Mina was always there to help him somewhat. Of course, she could never ever take the place of his family, and his family could never take her place- but he still felt comforted by her. It could also be because she's also from Daegu though.

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