Twenty seven

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The night after her visit to the Black residence Jacob thought a lot about what Katherine said so Jacob made an appearance late that night to speak with Bella. She only knew it ever happened when Bella came to her bedroom right after and told her what Jacob said to her. It was all so cryptic to Katherine, she didn't understand until the following morning when Bella burst into her room to tell her about her dream and her encounter with Laurent.

Katherine was livid with Bella. She doesn't remember ever caring as much for her sister as she did until the last year before they weren't too close.

Katherine thought she was stupid to go out alone in the woods with the bear attacks which apparently are wolves. Bella told her about Victoria who wanted both of their bloods. Her face paled when Bella told her.

Victoria was after them?

This thought terrified her. Her experience with James made sure of that. How were they supposed to defend themselves? They were useless in the vampire world. She sat there and listened to Bella's reasonings for the next jaw dropper.

Werewolves existed and Jacob Black was one of them. Katherine was hesitant on accepting that but after Bella did her best to explain everything she began to understand. It still boggled her mind though she had to admit. How far fetched can the idea be when she dated a vampire and almost died because of one?

Bella wanted answers and now so did Katherine but she was more hesitant on the matter. Bella planned on confronting Jacob with this revelation and she wanted Katherine with her as back up.

So that's where they were headed now, to the reservation.


Bella banged her fist on the front door, louder than she intended but she was running on adrenaline. Katherine stood semi awkwardly to the side when Billy answered with a tight lipped smile.

"Hello Bella and Katherine." He greeted them.

"We need to see him." Was all she said.

"I'm sorry Bella he's not in." His eyes glanced over at Katherine who was looking in the house.

"I'm sorry but I really need to see him." Bella brushed passed Billy into the house who called after her.

"Bella!" Katherine hissed through clenched teeth. Bella stormed into Jacob's room to find him asleep in his bed. A bird like call from the woods made Bella narrow her eyes down at the four shirtless boys emerging from them. Bella felt the anger building up as she stormed out of there to confront them. Katherine ran around to the back when she heard Bella yelling at the group of shirtless guys in khaki shorts. She recognized Sam and Embry but the other two she did not.

"What did you do?" Bella yelled as she marched over to them. "What did you do to him?" Bella shoved the presumed leader Sam Uley back. He held his arm out to stop the others from intervening.

"Easy." Sam had a hard look on his face as he tried to diffuse the tension.

"He didn't want this!" Katherine came and pulled Bella back.

"What did we do? What did he do, huh? What did he tell you?" One of them questioned her. Katherine saw the look of rage, it looked almost as if he were vibrating, his breathing labored. Sam pushed him back warning them both to calm down. An uneasy feeling started to creep up with the chill up her spine. Katherine no longer felt safe. If Bella was right then there's a possibility this may not end well.

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