Only Child

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Being an only child can be a blessing and a curse. It gets lonely sometimes especially during the summer when all your friends go someplace else. I grew up having imaginary friends, one of them was a cross between a unicorn and an elephant but I guess I outgrew him. In my teenage years, I did not have a lot of friends. I was always the loner at school. But I like it, because I am able to draw, write, or read in peace. But everything changed when my dad got transferred for work. I had to leave the house I grew up in and start fresh in the big city. We moved in the middle of my senior year.

New school, great. I said to myself as my dad dropped me off at school.

"Have fun, Sage. Try and make friends." Dad smiled.

"I will try my best. Good luck on your first day at the new location." I said as I gave him a hug and got out of the car.

"Sage, behave." He warned before driving off.

I walked to the student services offices where I was greeted by a fairly young lady behind a desk.

"Good morning! How can I help you?" She greeted me.

"I am Mikayla Sage, I am here to pick up my class schedule." I answered her.

"Oh! Ms. Cruz, welcome to Aura de Laurentus Business Highschool. I am Lynn. Give me a second while I print out your schedule."

I stood there waiting for a good five minutes before Ms. Lynn handed me my schedule.

"Thank you." I said before turning around and walking out the door.

"Sage," Ms. Lynn called out after me.

"Yes, ma'am?" I answered and turned around.

"Good luck on your first day." She said and smiled after. I smiled back and walked out of student services.

I only have to be at the high school to check in with the counselor once a week, all my classes are at Aura College which is I'm the same vicinity.

I walked towards my first class on the other side of the quad away from the high school department. I walked in the classroom, thankfully no one was there yet. I sat in the back and took my laptop out and turned it on. You're gonna be fine I kept telling myself. Slowly, students walked in and I sunk further into my seat hoping that no one would dare talk to me.

"Hi! I'm Scott. You must be a new student." I looked up at him as he held his hand out to shake mine.

"Hi..." I said nervously, "I'm... I'm Mikayla Sage, but you can just call me Sage." I smiled faintly at Scott.

"Do you mind me sitting here with you?" He asked and I shook my head. "I can tell you're nervous, possibly having a mini anxiety attack, but don't worry." He smiled, "Everyone's pretty chill."

I smiled, for the first time in days, as I felt alright around this guy.

"Keep smiling, girl. You look good when you smile. How old are you by the way?" he asked me.

"I'm seventeen" I said shyly.

"What are you doing in a college class?" He asked as curiosity was seen on his face.

"I'm getting ahead of everything." I laughed nervously, "Actually, it's either this or go to uni in Korea." I bowed my head.

"Smart girl, I assume." He chuckled. "Well, Sage, enjoy my class." He got up, leaving me shocked.

The class was only an hour long, but it dragged its feet. Once it was done I grabbed my things and shoved it in my backpack but I waited until everyone was gone before getting up.

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