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Caitlin sat in bed, watching herself on the monitor. She was sweating, screaming and stirring in her sleep. She was having difficulty trying to breathe. The seats were soaked, but Caitlin was still stirring and screaming. Caitlin watched herself trying to get her breathing under control, and it looked like she was trying to say something, but nothing was coming out. So this is how I look at night, whilst I'm unconscious thought Caitlin

"Any thoughts?"

"I don't know what to say doctor. I have no idea what's happening to me, or what I'm doing"

"Well, so far our tests haven't come up with anything. We'll keep running them. We need to figure out what this is, and get you well"

"I don't even know if you can cure me"

"Don't be so negative Caitlin. We are doctors. It's our job to find out what this is, and cure you"

"I hope you do. I have a life to get back too. I'm getting married soon"

"Just stay optimistic. Hopefully we'll have you better soon"

"I'm trying, but it's difficult"

"One more question. Do you have any repressed memories?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"If you had any, and they were trying to break through, this could explain a few things"

"Well I don't. And anyway wouldn't I remember these memories in the morning?"

"Doesn't matter. It was just a thought"

Caitlin was having her lunch, when her parents and Ronnie came to visit her

"Finally. I'm going out of my mind with boredom here. Your visits are the only thing that keep me going"

"Sorry. We try to be here as soon as we can, but the visiting hours are just weird here. They keep changing"

"Forget about that. I want you to watch this"

They took a seat, and Caitlin pressed play. They watched her moan and sweat

"So this is what happens to me every night. This is why the doctors are not letting me go. They want to know what is happening to me"

"And they're right. Imagine they let you home and something happened to you, whilst you were in this state"

"Have I got any repressed memories?"

Both her parents were shocked 

"Why do you say that?"

"Just a thought the doctor had. That maybe something was trying to break through"

"No. Don't be silly. Your absolutely fine. Right, we have to go"

"But you have just arrived"

"Sorry darling. Something has just come up"

Caitlin watched her parents and Ronnie walk away. Something had spooked them, but what?


"Don't say it"

"But she's remembering. The memories of him are starting to come back to her. Others are breaking through"

"We can't let her remember. That's why we did what we did"

"I never really understood what you had against him"

"Everything. What happened with my sister. How he's not deserving of my daughter"

"Shouldn't she decide? She seemed happy enough"

"But it was fate what happened. That's why we moved here, to a new place for a fresh start. So she can forget him and start a new life"

Caitlin settled back into her bed. She was still upset as to why everyone had left so suddenly. What had happened? What had spooked them? What had she said? She tried to watch television and get lost in her phone, but nothing. She lay back and closed her eyes. She wondered if she'd see him again and what parts of the puzzle she would receive today 

"Guys, your being silly. There's no such thing as ghosts or haunted houses"

"Be quiet Caitlin. We're going to play with a ouiji board to see if we can make contact with someone from the other side"

"You guys are just wasting your time"

Her friends were just about to play, when the servant walked in with tea and snacks

"Look, can you tell them that there is no such thing as ghosts?"

"Oh, but there is. At least here there is"


"The house on the hill is haunted. There have been various reports of people seeing a ghost roaming around. But miss please don't go there. If you're dad finds out, my job is gone and I'm dead"

"Fine. Then we'll go there and I'll prove that there is no such thing as ghosts"

Caitlin led her friends there

"See there's nothing here"

Just then the lights went out. Caitlin ran to the door, it was locked. There was a high pitched screeching . Caitlin tried the door, but it was locked. There was a figure, in all white, coming towards them. They all screamed and ran for cover as he approached. Caitlin quickly grabbed a vase and hit him in the head. The man screamed as the lights came on

"What the hell do you think that you're doing?"

"OMG! Your real"

"Of course I'm real. Did you expect me to be a ghost or something?"

"But we were told......"

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You and your friends break into my house to steal, then when I catch you in the act, you try to beat me to death"

"But sir"

"Officers, take them away"

Caitlin and her friends were being led away, when she heard the old man say

"Barry, there you are"

Caitlin spun around 

"Thank you for calling me and letting me know. Otherwise I would have been destroyed"

"It's nothing. I'm your neighbour. It's my duty to catch thieves and inform you"

Caitlin watched as Barry produced the fake wig and fake hair

"Looks like I beat you at your own game"

Caitlin seethed as she and her friends were led away

"This isn't over"

Ronnie pulled up outside the house. Caitlin got out

"Caitlin, what do I say if your dad asks me?"

"Tell him you collected me from the station"


"But what? I didn't go to the police station out of my own free will. It was a huge misunderstanding. Why should I be scared of something that was not my fault?"

"What about Barry?"

"This isn't over. If he thinks it is, he's got another thing coming. I will take revenge for this embarrassment"

Duff duff duff. Oh dear. What's going to happen? As always, feedback appreciated 

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