Part 14

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Flos is now dressed up in the new dress she bought with Rhythm in the City before. As for her hair, it has been tied up by the maid to make Flos look more presentable. The usual Flos dressed too sloppily, according to that maid.

May-Day, who are out of the job as a hair tie, have now become Flos's hairpin.

When they react to the Queen's cough, Flos immediately understands.

"I apologise," although she manages to cough in her hand, it is still impolite of the Queen to cough in front of the guest

The 2nd Knight who stands beside the Queen's couch after giving the contract to Flos immediately pours a cup of water from the tray a few steps away from them for the Queen, "Your Majesty, here,"

The Queen accepts the cup but doesn't drink the water. Facing Flos, the Queen apologises again, "I am sorry, it seems like we will have to temporary end the meeting here," putting the cup on the table between them, the Queen says, "We shall meet again on another day,"

Meeting the Queen's eyes, Flos asks without much expectation, "Do you trust me, Your Majesty?"

The Queen's expression is still as faint as the moment she showed up, with no change, "There is no trust to speak of,"

That's right, "Excuse me for speaking out of line," nevertheless, Flos has a plan so she will try keeping her patron alive, "But Your Majesty, you are poisoned,"

The Knights in the room say nothing but unsheathe their swords and point those sharp tips at Flos's neck.

The Queen's expression still does not change, "On what basis do you say that, Miss Flos of Rafflesia Village?"

"I am a flower farmer," Flos replies calmly, ignoring the pointy swords on her neck, "In my career of cultivating flowers, I have nurtured several variant flowers. A pair of flowers proficient in poisons let me know: from Your Majesty's cough, they detect the trace of toxin from their kind," which they want to devour, Flos does not say

As a pair of mimicry plus parasitic, cannibalistic, and poisonous flowers; May-Day are eager to meet a plant that I have not known before, for a taste. It doesn't matter whether the plants are normal, toxic, bigger than them, or even fierce; May-Day are like a pair of gourmets who want to try every kind of dish in the world.

"Variant flowers?" the Queen finds interest in this revelation from all the words Flos utters, "Do your flowers produce poisons?"

"Yes," Flos answers truthfully

"Do your flowers produce antidotes?" the Queen accepts that answer from Flos and poses another question

"Yes," Flos responds shortly and also adds, "However, for the antidote to Your Majesty's poison, they will need to ingest the same toxin 1st to produce the antidote,"

"Unfortunately," the Queen calmly tells Flos, "I do not know how or when I ingested this toxin myself,"

Flos knows 1 way, although she does not know if it is acceptable to the Queen and these Knights. With nothing to lose, Flos offers, "If Your Majesty will trust me, there is a method to detoxify Your Majesty without knowing the type of the poison beforehand,"

The Queen does not immediately give her answer, "I shall discuss this matter with His Majesty 1st. I will summon you again, Miss Flos of Rafflesia Village,"

From the Queen's words that do not blame Flos, the Knights take back their swords from Flos's neck and sheath the swords back to the scabbard. The Knights then return to their respective posts, by the doors.

Flos absentmindedly touches her left wrist, to assure Lashes that it doesn't need to take revenge on the Knights for their vigilance to protect Her Majesty the Queen. Just as Lashes will protect Flos at all cost, these Knights are also protecting Her Majesty the Queen in their way.

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