[chapter twenty two] the odds

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Aires pov...

By the time Allison dropped me off at Scotts house, I was more than ready to sleep. Sitting in a car for over twelve hours was something I never wanted to do again. With Melissa working, I  wasn't quiet as I dragged my bags up the stairs ,bashing into the sides repeatedly as I struggled. With a scowl, I swung open my bedroom door to find Isaac sitting on my bed with a grin. 

"Miss me?" 

Rolling my eyes, I threw my bags to the side before crossing my arms over my chest and narrowing my eyes on him. "What are you doing here?" I hissed. "In case you've forgotten, you're wanted."

"Come on." He shot back with a roll of his eyes. "We're going somewhere."

"Where?" I asked sceptically.

"It's a secret." He shot off of my bed and snatched my hand before pulling me by my hand to the window. "Do you trust me?" 

"With my life." I shot back without a second of hesitation.

Suddenly, he scooped me up and without warning, he jumped. Somehow, he pulled it off and landed perfectly on his legs.

"Isaac!" I hissed before slapping him on the chest and jumping out of his arms. 

"Don't worry princess, you're safe now on the ground."

"Did you forget that you're a suspected criminal? You're practically begging to be caught if your roaming the streets." 

"Relax. Besides, after today I'm no longer going to be a suspect."

"What do you mean?" I asked as we began walking down the quiet street.

"I mean, I will be a free man. Now shut up and let me take you to your surprise."

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Aires pov...

We were sat in a small booth at the back of Beacon Hills diner, a place we one all hung out a lot at. Me, Lydia, Isaac, Jackson and Danny. 

"Okay no, the worst thing that happened was when Jackson was caught staring at the waitresses boobs. Lydia saw and poured her milkshake onto his lap, he was so startled by it he actually peed himself!" I choked out with a shake of my head. 

"No, I've got a better one. Remember when we were at Lydia's house for the party? It was before her and Jackson had gotten together, he was OBSESSED with you. At the time you were like in love with Theo James so he tried to do a British accent to ask you to make out with him?"

Wincing, I cringed at the awful memory of when we were all thirteen and getting drunk off of Lydia's Moms wine. "Oh my god stop." I grimaced. "And I was so wasted I ended up kissing him." 

It was one of the most vile memories I was forced to have, something I had contemplated asking Klaus or Elijah to compel me to forget. 

Isaac howled in laughter at the grim look on my face and held a hand to his burning chest. He found it amusing but I didn't, I found it so disgusting it made me physically sick to my stomach. 

"Anyways," I quickly muttered, desperate to forget. "Thank you, I had a great time tonight." 

"Thank you for letting me jump out of a window with you."

"That was a once in a lifetime opportunity, Lahey. Never ever again." I warned whilst narrowing my eyes on him.

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