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"I didn't do anything. I just...i found him."

"Why didn't you report it?" Bella asked and Seraphina frowned.

"How am i to explain how i came across his dead...mangled...body?" Seraphina sobbed. This was too much for her. She hadn't had time to mourn her friend and now she was having to speak of how she hadn't murdered him.

"How did you find him?"

"The voices!" Seraphina cried before sighing. "The whispers in my head. They...they're to do with my Banshee side. They basically guide me to dead fucking bodies."

"Right. You definitely don't sound crazy." Seraphina growled and hung up. She stood, snapped her phone in half and threw it off the balcony before collasping to her knees. Her body wracked with sobs as she screamed and wailed for her dead friend.

Benjamin sprung into action, speeding around the house to try and find Jasper.

"Where's Hale?!" He bellowed once he came into the same room as Esme, Rosalie and Emmett.

"Which one?"


"He went out to hunt again with Edward." Suddenly, Seraphina's cries filled their ears and they all sped to the bedroom.

"Sara, honey." Esme began, slowly walking towards the mourning and crying girl. "It's okay." Esme got close enough and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. Immediately, Seraphina turned and held Esme, crying into the woman's shoulder. "What happened, Ben?"

"Bella was talking to her." He began, trying to remember. "She ended up basically calling Seraphina crazy." Esme sighed and wrapped the hysterical girl in her arms. She supposed this is what happens when you don't mourn properly.


An hour passed and Seraphina had passed out. Esme had ordered the rest to leave the room whilst she tucked Seraphina into the bed. They did, and Esme spent a moment stroking Seraphina's face gently, getting rid of hair that had fallen into her face.

Seraphina really had become like a daughter to her, and it pained her - all of them - to see her like this. She only hoped Jasper would stay out for longer.

But, as fate would have it, he came home much quicker then expected.

"Is she okay?" He asked, walking into the room. Esme nodded.

"She should be, soon." She said and before Jasper could comment, Esme continued. "She needs to mourn first."

"Edward wants to leave." Jasper informed, and Esme nodded.

"Carlisle thinks it best if we all do for a while."

"What about Sara?"

"She'll come with us." Jasper chuckled.

Euphoria ~ Jasper Hale  (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now