Chapter 12 All Might

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It's fine now. . .! I AM HERE!

All Might's body gained a golden aura as he stood atop the grand steps of USJ, glaring down at the villains below. . . The students were shivering and awe and the fodder were quaking in fear.

Izuku: All. . . Might. . .?

He hugged Zeny closer to him as he stared down the beast that put her in this condition.

Izuku: He's not smiling.

A grin spread across the mastermind's face.

Shigaraki: I've been waiting, Hero. You trash of society. . .

Toshinori Yagi ripped off his overcoat, the students of 1-A and 1-B still having trouble believing just who it was they were seeing. . . and the fodder weren't faring any better.

Villain 1: Th-That's All Might. . .

Villain 2: It's my first time seeing him in person!

Villain 3: He looks so intimidating. . .

Villain 4: Idiots! Don't hesitate! If we kill that-

The number one Hero vanished, and the villains began falling one by one! With a single move, All Might blitzed past them, knocking them all down and saving Eraserhead and Vlad King in one fell swoop.

All Might: Sorry. . . Aizawa, Kan.

His body turned towards the few students gathered in the center, staring down the three bosses. With a flare of his eyes, All Might relocated Yui, Mineta, Asui, Izuku, and the unconscious Zeny away from the villains.

Mineta: H-Huh? Huh?!

They had just registered being moved, and All Might gently set down the bodies of their teachers.

All Might: Everyone, go to the entrance! I'm leaving your senseis and Young Rose to you. Hurry!

Yui: M-Mm!

Asui: Ribbit!

The girls helped one another lift up Vlad King while Mineta grabbed Eraser. Izuku bit his lip as he slowly stood, holding Zeny even tighter. . .

Shigaraki: He's fast, as expected. I can't follow him with my eyes. But not as fast as I thought he'd be. . . *smiles* I guess it's true after all.

You are growing weaker. . .

Midoriya looked to the beast behind the enemy and then to his mentor.

Izuku: All Might, you can't! That brain villain took One For- *eyes widen* He took a punch that didn't break my arm, and he didn't even twitch! He's gotta be-

The blonde hero whirled around, grinning with a peace sign!

All Might: Young Midoriya. . . It's fine!

With a final glance at All Might, and one more back to the girl in his arms, the boy took a deep breath and nodded. They began to make their escape as the Symbol of Peace stared down the Villains. . .

All Might: Carolina-

He races across the center, arms crossed before slashing as he arrived!

Shigaraki: Nomu!

All Might: SMASH!!!!!!!!

The X hit the beast head on, not even leaving a scratch as the waters behind them were split four different ways! The monster growled and pounced, the Hero bending back to evade!

All Might: It seriously has no affect at all, huh?!

Reeling up, All Might landed a clean right hook to the beast's gut, stunning it for barely a moment before it's arms swept at him! He backed up and readjusted, landing three rapid fire blows to Nomu's head only to witness the same results! It's shriek was even louder as it reached for All Might, the Hero dashing back as it chased him! The Symbol of Peace landed blow after blow with little to no result, each blow strong enough to leave shockwaves of force!

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