Chapter 8

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"Move in with me Y/n".


You continued to look at him in confusion and shock as he just looked into your eyes for an answer. You frowned, saying, "Kiego I'm a hero to remember? Thanks for worrying about me but I'll be fine". You gently placed your hand on his cheek wanting to give him comfort. He sighed, saying, "I know Y/n. It's just this man is not somebody to take lightly, he's very dangerous and I would just feel better if you moved in with me because if he's targeting you I want to protect you too". It was silent as you contemplated everything, then finally breaking that silence, saying, "Alright Kiego, I'll move in with you". He smiled and you could see him relax a bit. "I guess we better start packing" you said looking down at Hiro who gave a soft meow.


It was around seven as you guys finished packing the stuff in your house. There wasn't a ton of stuff but you guys got distracted and got some food. You were gonna sell all of the furniture as Kiego had everything so you only needed your clothes and other things. You guys got all the furniture packed up to be sold, and you put all your other stuff in Kiegos car that you would be taking to his house. Once that was done, you got Hiro in his crate as you said goodbye to the apartment and joined Kiego in the car.


The guest room at Kiegos house was now yours, as you started situating some of your stuff. You got Hiro situated in a spot in the room and started organizing some other things on the desk in the room. After an hour all that was left was putting all your clothes away which you decided you would just do tomorrow as it was getting late. You stretched out your arms and wings as you headed to the kitchen to get a snack. Kiego was somewhere else in the house so it was quiet. You softly hummed to yourself, scrolling through your phone as you ate. You then heard Kiego walk down the hallway as he entered the kitchen. He came over to the counter, taking some of your food and then wrapping his arms around you. "You tired?" you asked softly, as you finished your snack. He nodded his head, hugging you tighter. "We can watch a movie if you want, I just need to shower" you said as you tried to move to clean up your food. He just hummed, not letting go as you guys just stood there in the kitchen. "Kiego I'll be quick ok?" you said trying to turn so you were facing him. "Fineee" he said dramatically, as he let go and slowly went to the couch making you laugh. You got some pajamas and headed to the bathroom, turning on the shower. Once you were done you brushed your teeth, and washed your face, then headed back to your room to put your clothes in a hamper.

You then headed to the living room to see him lying on the couch, sleeping peacefully as Hiro laid on his stomach. You pulled out your phone, taking a picture of the cute moment, and then softly sitting on the couch next to his head and rubbing your fingers gently through his hair. He slowly opened his eyes as you lowered your head down closer to him. He then pulled you over him, Hiro jumping out of the way as you now laid on top of him. You looked at him blushing as he propped his head up on a pillow. "Hey cutie" he then said, smirking tiredly. You smiled laughing a little bit as you then slowly laid your head down on his chest. He softly rubbed your back as you guys layed there relaxing, until you both fell asleep.


The next morning you slowly started to wake up to see you were still laying on the couch with Kiego. You looked at his peaceful sleeping face, smiling. Hiro then started meowing next to his food bowl, so you gently tried to get up, and once you did, you were immediately pulled back down. You laughed as you fell back down onto Kiego as he just looked at you. "Good Morning" he said, smirking as Hiro continued to meow. "The cat can wait '' he said as he looked at the cat who wasn't too happy. You laughed as he moved you so your faces were closer. "How did you sleep?" you asked, smiling. "Great, you?" he said, as he moved some hair out of your face. "Me too" you said as you propped yourself up a little bit. He whistled, saying, "Nice view" as he smirked and laughed at your blushing face. You flicked him in the forehead, then hurrying up and heading to the kitchen. You got Hiros food ready, giving it to him, then going to the fridge to make something but was stopped by red wings. "Let's go out to breakfast" Kiego said, as he dragged you to your room. "Ok we go get breakfast, let me get dressed" you said laughing. You headed to the pile of clothes you would need to put away today, and found an outfit, then headed to the bathroom to change and get ready. Once you were done, you headed back to the living room to see Kiego dressed, sitting on the floor with Hiro. "Alright let's go" he said, standing up and taking your hand. He took you to the balcony, flying up as you joined him, and then followed him to the restaurant he wanted to go to.

You guys made it to a little restaurant and were seated almost immediately. It was a nice and cozy place that wasn't too busy. You guys looked through your menus, ordering, and then talked as you waited for the food. As you're talking, Kiegos phone starts ringing. He picks up as you just sit quietly looking at him as he talks on the phone. It sounds like he's talking about hero stuff and you saw him slowly start to smile, making you curious. The phone call ended and he just looked at you smiling. "I'm guessing it was something good" you said, laughing a bit. He nodded his head, saying, "For the mission at the island in a couple of months, they're letting us go early so we can explore the island and relax before the big mission starts". A smile rose to your face as you started thinking about the beach you saw pictures of. You guys then continued to talk as your food arrived.


After you guys were done eating you headed back to the house to get ready for the day as you guys had to patrol at three. You got in your hero costume, and put your hair up. You then went to your desk in the room, logging onto your computer to finally respond to some emails over the past few days. As you were working, you didn't notice Hawks standing in your doorway, looking at you. You finished the last email, then stretching out your arms as you stood up. You then saw him in the doorway, smirking at you. "Need something" you said, walking over to him and straightening his jacket. "Yeah, you." he said, picking you up. "I can walk you know" you said, laughing and trying to get down causing him to hold you tighter. He then plopped you down on the couch, leaning over you. "We've got like two hours till patrol," he said, smirking. You looked at him, blushing because of the position you were in as he lowered his face closer to yours. You continued to just look at each other as he held one of your hands. He then softly and quickly connected his lips to yours, surprising you. He then stood up and walked away, leaving you speechless.  

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