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I was working on homework when I head buzz from my phone. I reached over to grab it. I checked and I had a text from an unknown number. "Hey Xiao it's Venti!" The text read. Before I texted back I changed his contact name to "Peter pan"

X:Hey Venti.
V:Heyyyy :D
X:What do you want?
V:what? Can't I text my new friend ehe!
X: yeah yeah. Im trying to get my work done peter pan
X:Im gonna go finish bye
V: Bye Xiao!

Suddenly I heard the front door open and slam shut. I checked the time on my phone. It was 4:45 which was the time that Yanfei got home. I then heard her stomp upstairs and slam her door. It was unlike her to pout or be angry like this. I let out a sigh and got up. I walked over to. Yanfeis room and knocked on her door. "Hey? Yanfei? Are you alright?" I asked. I hear Ganyu come up behind me "Is there something wrong Yanfei?" She spoke. "NO EVERYTHING IS FINE! NOW GO AWAY!" Yanfei screamed. There was a crack in her voice. I gave Ganyu a what do we do? Sort of look. "Just leave her be. Give her an opportunity to clam down." Ganyu explained. "Alright." I said.

After a while Yanfei came out of her room and came into the living room where Ganyu and I were sitting on the couch watching some Netflix show. Yanfei hopped up on the couch next to Ganyu and just put her head on Ganyu's shoulder. "You don't have to talk about it." Ganyu said. "I know I'm sorry. " Yanfei apologized. She didn't tell us why she was so upset but did watch Netflix with us for the rest of the night.

Eventually I woke up I must have passed out on the couch. Zhongli was sitting it a chair close to us he must have gotten home while we slept. I looked over to see that Ganyu had moved to the left edge of the couch and was sleeping on the arm of it while Yanfei was behind her facing into Ganyu's back. They had a shared blanket while I had my own. I looked over at Zhongli "Is Childe home yet?" I asked. "No. He wont be home till late again." He said. "He's always home late." I added. I had my suspsions that Childe was up to something more than just "work". "When did you get home?" I asked. "Not that long ago. We can have dinner after your sister wake up." Zhongli explained. "Alright." I sighed.

Not long after Yanfei and Ganyu got up and had dinner with us. I decided to finish my work from earlier and sleep not long after. Little did I know what was to come the next day.

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