Chapter 15: Lestat and Jesse

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A/n: Will be a long chapter

Lestat's POV:
I walked with both Armand; and Marius down a long dark hallway. I let out a low but long sigh, as I crossed my arms. I was beyond frustrated. Why couldn't my past problems just leave me alone; and let me live my eternity with Jesse. I heard someone clearing their throat, causing me to look in their direction. "Where you even listening?" Marius asked. "No. I'm sorry." I said as I looked at Marius. This made Marius shake his head, before he repeated himself. "If we can't convince her to live our ways, we'll have to destroy her, you understand that right?" Marius asked. I nodded my head as I looked ahead of me.

We made it into a room similar to the one we killed Akasha in. I looked around the room, before feeling a presence emerge into it. I noticed a female vampire that dressed, like Akasha. "What's your name?" I asked. "Esme. Heard from other vampires the kind of person mother was." Esme said. "What exactly did those vampires tell you?" I asked. "That she was an evil woman who never loved you or anyone else." Esme explained. I walked up to her slowly, as I kept my guard up. "I don't have to kill like her do I?" Esme asked. "No you don't." I said. I watched as Esme ran into my arms; and buried her face in my shoulder. "I want a new mother." Esme said. "Well then I think you'll like Jesse." I said making her look up; and smile.

I smiled back as I looked down at her. I then turned to look at Marius, as he walked up to us. "It won't be hard to adjust to how your father lives." Marius said. "I'll try my best." Esme said. This made me proud; and glad to see she wasn't like Akasha. We then made our away back to my mansion; and noticed Jesse wasn't there. I stood still and thought for a moment. "Wanna come with me to get Jesse?" I asked as I looked at Esme. "Yes." Esme said looking at me. I then took her with me; and headed to Ashe; and Sarah's place. When we made it I knocked on the door. Soon the door opened revealing Jesse. As soon as she noticed it was me, she jumped into my arms. I wrapped my arm around her waist; and held her close. "Are you okay my love?" Jesse asked. "Yes." I said as I looked at her.

Esme looked at Jesse silently for awhile, before speaking. At first she didn't know what she would say, but she soon found the words. "You're very beautiful." Esme said making Jesse look at her. "Oh thank you. Who is this Lestat?" Jesse asked. "This is the daughter I had with Akasha. She wants a new mother." I explained. "If you would like I can be the mother, you want." Jesse said turning her attention towards Esme. I watched them as I stayed silent, while letting them talk. "I would like that." Esme said. I then had noticed Sarah walked up to us. This had confused Esme greatly. "Oh this is Sarah. She's our human friend, dear." Jesse said. Esme nodded her head as she looked at Jesse; and me. "She lives alone?" Esme asked as she frowned. "No she lives with her husband; and son." Jesse said. Esme nodded her head, as she looked at Jesse.

We then watched Danny run up next to Sarah. I smiled at him, as I was glad to see him again. "Hi bud." I said. "Hi Lestat." Danny said while smiling. I then noticed Ashe walk up behind Sarah. I smirked at Ashe as I sensed the child in Sarah. Ashe had understood why I was smirking; and playfully rolled his eyes. "How are you feeling Sarah?" I asked. "I'm alright." Sarah said as she leaned against Ashe; whom had his arms around her. "Well we're gonna go home. I wish you both the best." I said. "Thank you Lestat." Ashe and Sarah said in unison. I then took both Jesse; and Esme back to the mansion.

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