Day 12 - Neutral

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Damian panted as his paws hit the ground in the forest. He loved this feeling he got as he was in his wolf form. Stopping by a pond Damian looked into it and saw his reflection. A tall black wolf with the fur extremely shiny. His eyes a dark emerald green. He could just stand in the shadows and blend in with his eyes looking like they were suspended in mid air. Damian's ears twitched when he heard howling. He took off and ran all the way to find his pack looking to his father the Alpha. Taking his spot below his father but still next to him he looked down at the pack.

"This thing can't happen! What if it destroys everything we hold dear!" A wolf shouted through the mind link. Many growled as they either opposed or agreed with the wolf.

"Enough! The miraculous pack has agreed that they would merge our packs if their princess and our prince mate. And if we don't do this then our way of life and our species will not survive the up coming war." Bruce growled through the mind link. A wolf steps forward. The wolf had long dark brown hair with dark emerald eyes and moved with such elegance that it they moves looked intentional.

"Beloved, this is wrong. I will not have my son marrying an opposing pack princess just so we have numbers. We are skilled enough as it stands." Talia tried to say Bruce but it had the wrong response.

"You are not part of this pack Talia. Get out of this pack and their link now before I force you to." Bruce snapped at Talia. Growled with her heckles up before disappearing into the night. Damian then stood up gathering everyone's attention.

"For a long time we the wolf shapeshifters have stayed neutral in the world's conflicts. But as more and more packs are hunted for their abilities we have only on option. Join forces. My wolves our pack the Batclan is powerful. It's one of the most powerful. But we need more help. And the Miraculous pack is the oldest one to date. And they are known for having shapeshifters with special abilities. If we continue to stay neutral and we aline ourselves with the Miraculous pack we will survive these threats." Damian finished and took his place again. Bruce stood up and addressed everyone.

"Wolves, my son speaks the truth. We have survived this long for one reason and one reason only. We have always made plans and made sure we had the necessary things to survive. But we cannot stay neutral and live if we don't merge the packs. Now who's with me and my son!" Bruce spoke with clear alpha tone. Everyone howled Damian and Bruce joining in.


Marinette hummed as she laid in her hammock. She knew that being a wolf shapeshifter from the miraculous pack was dangerous. And she also knew that to make it through this dark time that she and her family would be making some hard choices. All for the greater good and so they could stay neutral during this time of war. But she wasn't sure if she was ready to mate with the prince of the Batclan pack. No matter how she thought about it or didn't think about it she couldn't stop one thought coming to mind. Would she be respected or would he use her for the merging of their packs then get rid of her.

She knew what it was like to be used for someone's personal gain. Yet, she had this feeling that this time it would be different. And she would be able to live and rule how her and her family intended. She wanted to put all her thoughts and feelings aside knowing this was part of her duty as princess to the miraculous pack. She had to make sure her pack remained neutral and that she would protect them to the best of her ability. But she was scared. Her pack was the oldest, most powerful and had abilities that no other pack had. Many wondered why her pack stayed neutral when it could easily take a lot of power without a lot of effort.

One week later

Marinette looked at herself in the mirror.

She just hoped this keep her pack neutral

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She just hoped this keep her pack neutral.

Damianette one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now