Vol.1. Chapter 9.1 : Welcome to the Classroom of the Elite

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV

May 1st.

Today would finally be the day when our class points and exam scores from last week's test would be released. Our private points were just transferred this morning. Though, I was a little disappointed because it was less than what I was hoping for.

I suppose I should've scolded my disobedient classmates more severely so that they wouldn't cost us more class points and become a burden to our class in the near future. However, there was little to nothing I could do to even attempt to modify Koenji's attitude. I couldn't even try to influence his behavior in class because he was already too far gone. But, I guess that's Koenji for you.

Naturally, there was a significant atmosphere of both excitement and tension throughout the classroom. After all, it would be disclosed whether our efforts had been fruitless or fruitful.

"Good day." As the bell rang throughout the campus, Chabashira-sensei waltzed in. "Sit down and listen up, students of Class B."

I raised an eyebrow in response to her statement and so did most of my classmates. Some of us must have assumed she had misspoken and waited for her to clarify herself, but she merely stood there calmly, the expressionless look she always wore was nowhere to be found and instead replaced by a contented grin.

"Umm... Don't you mean Class D, Sensei?" Mii-Chan was the one to break the uneasy silence while asking the obvious question.

"Nope. I meant what I said."

"Wait, does that mean..."

"I think you know exactly what it means, Hirata." Chabashira-Sensei casually replied. "Congratulations, all of you. Starting today you've all been promoted from Class D to Class B." Chabashira-Sensei let out a modest but sincere smile as she applauded us on our accomplishment.

The entire class went into an uproar as they heard the announcement. Each student's reaction was unique, yet they were all positive in some way.

"We did it, everyone!" Kushida couldn't help but tell out.

"LET'S G-" Before he could finish his sentence, Eichiiro accidentally banged his knee on the underside of his desk.

"AGH! FUCK!" Eichiiro unintentionally cursed loudly.

"Language, Matsuo." Chabashira-Sensei scolded with a frigid tone of voice while glaring daggers at Eichiiro.

"Y-yes Sensei..." He stuttered, feeling frightened by Chabashira-Sensei's scary demeanor. He hurriedly sat back down, his palms covering his face in embarrassment. Everyone giggled and had a good laugh seeing Eichiiro's antics.

Many of the females were giddy with joy as they smiled at their companions. Horikita, on the other hand, only gave a modest nod of approval. Couldn't she at least put on be a bit more cheerful and celebratory about this?

Actually, you know what? Knowing Horikita, I would be expecting too much from her.

"I'm sure the other classes are scratching their heads as to how you all could pull off this bizarre achievement, but it doesn't matter," Chabashira-sensei smirked as she used magnets to attach a poster on the chalkboard.

"Are these the results for each class...?" Horikita asked.

"As you can see, you've advanced above two classes. Only a few hundred points separate you from Class A." With a smile, Chabashira-Sensei clarified.

The points listed were as followed:

Class A (A): 980 cp

Class B (D): 680 cp

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