Chapter 43

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"open it" Snape commands. Harry do as he's told and as he opens it Snape taps the parchment with his wand,"Reveal.. Your Secrets" I look at the parchment,words in black ink appear.
"Read it"

"Messrs Mooney, Wormtail, Patfoot and Pronce
Offer their compliments to Proffesor Snape" I begin. I glance over at Harry.

"And.." Harry starts.

"Go on"

"And request that he keeps out his abnormally
large nose out of other people's business" Harry retaliates.

"Why, you insolent, little..." He approaches Harry,trying to grab him by his collar. I instinctively step in front of Harry,gaining a evil look from snape.

Harry softly pushes me aside and I hear him adress someone behind Snape,"Professor!" Harry seems happy,I get it, professor Lupin will probably get us out of this mess.

"Well, Well... Lupin
Out for a little walk...
... in the moon light
Are we?" Snape turns around. Moonlight? Snape has a way of making strange comments at Lupin. Always involving the moon or howling even...was he? No, I'm going crazy.

"Harry,Ella. Are you alright?" He ask us,we both nod.

"That remains to be seen...
I have just now confiscated a rather curious artifact from Mr. Potter. Take a look Lupin.
It is supposed that it is your area of expertise. Clearly, Its full of dark magic." Is Snape thick in the head?

"I Seriously doubt that its something serious" Lupin takes the parchment from Snape and read the words.

"It merly looks to be an aparchment designed to
insult anyone who tries to read it
I suspect that it is a Zonco product. Nevertheless...I should investigate any hidden qualities it may possess It is afterall an area of my expertise" Lupin says as Snape tries to take it back.

"Harry, would you come with me, Please?" I look at Harry,who just nodded. He brushes my hand with his as he walks towards professor Lupin. He smugly tells Snape goodnight and leaves.

Snape walks with me till the end of the corridor,as soon we turn the corner he grabs my wrist. "Ouch!", "Listen to me Ms. Velonté. You're playing with fire. I don't think you're father would enjoy hearing what you're up to..."

I pull my wrist from his grip. "You won't tell shit to my father." I start to walk away,"oh, and you know what is cute professor?" He turns to me. " That you think you're scary. I've seen don't have his smile. Goodnight." I thought of Tom Riddle... I walked toward the common room and immediately fell down on the couch. Where I must've fell asleep.
I can hear a scraping as we walk towards Hagrid's hut. A man sits against the tree in the courtyard as we walk by. He looks evily at me and I feel Harry's hand slither across my back to my waist. I look up at him only too see he's looking directly into the mans eyes.

The man is the first to break eye contact as he continues to sharpen his axe. I scowl at him as we walk past, obviously he intends to use it on Buckbeak. The man looks at Harry again and grins maliciously as his eyes dart to me, scanning my body.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak. It's just too horrible." I look at Hermione and I can see she feels exactly the way I do.

Ron speaks as we reach the other end of the bridge," It just got worse." He points to Draco and his pals looking down at Hagrid's house from the hilltop.

"What did I tell you? Father said I can keep the hippogriff's head. I think I'll donate it to the Gryffindor's common room." What is wrong with this boy. What the hell does Valerie even see in him.

Hermione quickly walks towards Draco. I try to stop her but I feels Harry's hand still around my waist. He tuck at my clothes so I don't reach Hermione in time.

"Oh, this is going to be rich."

Crabbe looks at us approaching them," Look who's here."

"Ah, come to see the show?" Draco says as he happily holds out his arms,making my blood boil.

" You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Hermione points her wand at Malfoy's throat in her rage. She scary when she's mad.

" Hermione, no! He's not worth it." Ron says from beside me. We are all frozen.

Draco stands there whimpering as Hermione keeps her wand against his throat, then lowers it and turns to us. Draco chuckles; next second, Hermione spins around and punches him in the face.
Crabbe screams as he and the other boy help Draco to his feet.
" Malfoy, are you okay? Let's go! Quick!" They yell just as scared as I am.

Draco talks loudly to his friends as they run to the bridge," Not a word to anyone. Understood? I'm gonna get that jumped-up Mudblood! Mark my words!"

" That felt good." Hermione lets out a breath thay she clearly held in too long.

"Not good. Brilliant." Ron admires her.

Hermione smiles with satisfaction. The four of us head down the steps to Hagrid's house, walking past Buckbeak, who's chained up in the pumpkin patch, awaiting his approaching execution.

As Hagrid and I look out the window at Buckbeak,he finally speaks," Oh, look at him. Loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through 'em."

"Why don't we just set him free?" I practically beg.

Hagrid clearly wishes he could, but I can see in his eyes that he can't,which breaks my heart,"They'd know it was me, and then Dumbledore would get into trouble. He's coming down, you know, Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they... when it happens." Hagrid walks away from the window,"Great man, Dumbledore. Great man." [Hagrid's throws a piece of food at an ugly creature across the room.

" We'll stay with you, too, Hagrid" Hermione suggest,"You'll do no such thing!" Hagrid points at the window,"Think I want you seeing something like that? No! You just drink your tea and be off. Oh. Before you do, Ron..." he picks up a plastic container and opens it and pulls something out. Its scabbers.

Ron is overjoyed to see his rat alive, especially after he bullied Hermione for weeks.

"Scabbers. You're alive! ",he takes scabbers from Hagrid.

"You want to keep a closer eye on your pets, Ron." Hagrid advises.

Hermione glares at Ron as he turns around,"I think that means you owe someone an apology." She crosses her arms.

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know."

"I meant me."

suddenly, the vase on the table breaks.

" Blimey. What was that?", Hagrid reacts. Hermione looks closely and finds a small rock.

a Rock hits me in the back of the head,"ouch" I turn around and look out the window,"Hagrid!" I beckon Hagrid to the window.

Hagrid walks to the window and looks out only to see Fudge, Dumbledore, and the axe man are walking towards Hagrid's house.

"Over this way." We hear Dumbledore's voice echo over the grounds.

Hagrid is visibly tense now," It's late. It's nearly dark. You shouldn't be here." He goes to his basket and grabs a blanket,"Someone sees you outside the castle this time of night, you'll be in trouble. Big trouble, particularly you, Harry." He rushes his words.

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