It's a Girl:

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Waking up to loud noise was something Hayley was well accustomed to because when you had a daughter with arachnophobia, jumped at loud noises but would blast her music loud when she was cleaning and the uncanny ability to wake up at 3am with the need to bake as she stresses over anything- well, you get used to it.

With her werewolf hearing, Hayley was able to hear that it was only the Mikaelson siblings.

She internally sighed, thinking about how The Originals failed to give an accurate portrayal of people who are actually a thousand years old in the sense that their age never seems to matter (not even when it comes to physical strength).


Yes it was wonderful watching them interact as siblings but WHERE WAS THAT VIKING RUTHLESSNESS WE WERE TAUGHT ABOUT IN HISTORY?


WHAT THE FU - Hayley paused her thought track and sat up on the bed to take deep breaths so she could calm herself down.

Damn werewolf hormones making her angry all the time.

That will not be useful in the future.

Especially if she wanted the pack to be on her side.

And Jackson.

Hayley groaned internally so the Mikaelsons wouldn't hear her inner turmoil.

Jackson was... ok. 

Ok that's a total lie.

As a mother, Hayley never did like Jackson. 

She found him to be an insufferable hypocrite who always talks about keeping the peace yet is quick to start beef with the vampires (who are always portrayed as being the perpetrators and werewolves the victims and showing the conflict as black and white instead of grey on both sides).

Then there's his controlling behaviour towards Hayley and trying to get her to leave the Mikaelsons with Hope just because he can't be big alpha male next to Klaus.

And the fact that his father had murdered the parents she spent her life looking for and he never told her.

Hayley sighed at the situation she was in.

It would be suspicious if she didn't want to be accepted into the pack since she had sacrificed 13 hybrids for information on her family but at the same time her pack wouldn't accept her if she didn't get married to Jackson.

Shaking her head, she started to get ready for her day before heading downstairs to join the Mikaelson siblings.

"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire!" she heard Rebekah say as she walked down the stairs.

"Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked my mate who is holding our child!" 

Hayley took all of her will-power to calm down the threatening blush that was making it's way onto her face.

"Oh, I am so moved by your new-found sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven."

Hayley had taken that moment to enter the room.

Klaus had heard Hayley's heartrate change as she woke up and her footsteps as she walked down the stairs.

He could practically feel the anger vibrating from her when she was upstairs and it only left him filled with nothing but want for his mate.

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