*Christmas Special*

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❄️☃️ Author's Note:

Since Christmas is around the corner I decided to write a special chapter! It doesn't follow the timeline of the story so you can read it whenever you desire. This is also part of my Christmas present for you guys, hope you like it! 😉

 This is also part of my Christmas present for you guys, hope you like it! 😉

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It was going to snow soon.

That's what the weather forecasted.

Y/n was looking through the car window, her eyes locked on the sky, eager to see the snow since winter was one of her favorite seasons. She loved waking up early and seeing that Musutafu was covered in heavy blankets of white snow while snowflakes fell from the sky. She loved building snowmen, making snow angels, fighting snowballs wars with Senji and her friends and end her day with a warm cup of tea or hot chocolate.

But most of all she loved Christmas.

It was a western holiday so it wasn't traditionally celebrated in Japan but they adopted it after Toshinori had told her how Christmas was at the USA. Y/n fell in love with it and wished to be part of this tradition so Senji suggested them to celebrate this holiday from then on.

Every Christmas they would decorate their home, buy presents and Senji would make her a surprise. Last year he took her to a ski station. That year she couldn't expect to discover what he had planned for them. She only knew they would spend it at another place. Where she had no idea. He was way too good in keeping secrets.

"So, I know you won't tell me where we're heading, but is it too far?" she asked facing him.

"No that far if we go by car." he answered. They had just left Musutafu behind, the outskirts of the city still visible on the side-view mirrors. "Oh, and Sorahiko called me a few minutes ago."

"Sadly, he won't be able to come this year. He is busy at Tokyo right now. It seems that villains don't rest even during holidays."

He gave her a "I'm sorry" look.


"He apologized and said he'll make up for not showing. He'll be here on New Year, don't worry." Senji gave a reassuring smile to which she smiled back just not to worry him.

Y/n, however, was sad with such news. She was expecting Sorahiko's presence since holidays were better enjoyed with the people you love and he had never missed one occasion until now. That year, though, it seemed it was going to be just Senji and her.

Minutes passed while she watched the landscape of hills, grass and trees while listening to a new rock band on the radio. They were getting far from Musutafu, appearing to be going to the forests and mountainous area which surrounded the city. This was soon confirmed as Senji left the highway and took a road that went into the forest of pine trees.

"Are we going camping?" Y/n asked; her sadness becoming curiosity as they advanced.

"More or less." he gave her a mischievous smile.

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