~Seven- Junior? ~

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When i walked inside i went to my parents room and saw my parents still unpacking a bit. I knocking announcing my presence and then i said, " Hey uhm momma and papa can i ask you guys something?" They both looked at me, wonder what i wanted to ask. " Sooooo I found this dog and its a boy and i named him junior and can we keep him pleaseeeee I'll take care of him, i promise." My mom and dad looked at each other and started to talk. I waited and when they finished my mom said.
          " Me and your dad discussed and we've decided that you can keep that dog BUT you must train him and take good care of him." I hugged them both and thanked them and went back up to my room with junior. I played with him all night and finallly fell asleep with him. I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door i yelled
          " who is it!?"
        "It's Angelo! Momma said that you have a puppy in your room ! Can i see him PLEASEEEEEE!" I got out of bed and opened the door and Angelo zoomed past me to Junior. I saw junior open his eyes and wagged his tail at Angelo. Angelo asked me, " What's his name?"
          " Junior" I replied. I used my telekinesis to make Junior and Angelo float in the air. Angelo started giggling and Junior started to barked. When I set them down Angelo told me that the madrigals were coming over in 30 minutes i rushed him out with junior and started to look through my clothes and i dont realize that the madrigals have already arrived and Camilo was making his way to my room.

Camilo POV:

I walk inside y/n's house greet her parents and see that Angelo is playing with a dog...wait is that dog junior? I walk up to Angelo and say, " Hey Angelo is that y/n's dog?" He nodded.
          " His name is Junior, Y/n told me." I went up to y/n's room, opened the door and saw her...CHANGING..i decided to form into her dog. Ive never formed into an animal before so i hope this works! She looks down at me and says
          " Junior? " she picks me up and says, " Go play with Angelo, I'm changing right now I'll be out soon." She placed me outside of her room and closed her door. I formed back and i was blushing a lot so, I decided to stay down stairs until y/n came down.

Y/n POV:

That was kinda weird..welp i found an outfit (IM TO LAZY TO ACTUALLY FIND AN OUTFIT IM SORRY) and now I'm ready i make my way down stairs and greet the madrigals i see that Camilo looks off. I grab a snack from the kitchen and go to my room and i hear Camilo say, " Y/n wait up!" I walk into my room and Camilo follows close behind.
" Camilo are you ok you looked like a tomato when i saw you in the living room." I said
" Oh me? I'm fine nothing's wrong." He replied smiling awkwardly. I raise an eyebrow at him but shrug it off. " Sooo~ whatcha wanna dooooo~?" Camilo says in a high pitch voice, i giggle. " I love your laugh.." Camilo says, looking at me as if i was the most beautiful person in the world. I blush and giggle more which makes Camilo's smile even wider.

Camilo POV:

I feel like my heart is about to explode out of how cute y/n is. I wish this moment would never end but alas my mom called me down because we had to leave soon. And everybody knows that soon means like 10 hours. Before i left y/n's room i said, " Hey y/n..uhm would you maybe wanna go out like in... i don't know three days from today?" She looked at me and said while smiling wide , " Of course Camilo but in that morning i have to try and train Junior but you can come over for that and after we could go out." I smiled and nodded. She quickly got up and kissed my cheek, i blushed and said goodbye. She waved bye at me and closed the door. Before i left the house i said goodbye to Junior, but after that i left and made my way home. And of corse Dolores has to ask me a million questions  like ' Are you and y/n dating yet?!' And ' You and y/n would make a beautiful couple' And my parents bug me about Y/n to, i wonder if her parents bug her about me a lot?

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