Little Flower 💐 (50)

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Lisa has been acting strange. I know because she keeps herself locked inside her study room for quite more than an hour now. If she was the old Lisa, I wouldn't have to worry. Probably she'd lift a book and got too carried away with the adventure in the book but she is not the same Lisa anymore so of course I am allowed to feel anxious. Running in a circle around me is our 4 - year - old little girl. When I grab her arm to stop her circular motion, she gifts me with her brightest cheeky smile. "Baby" I kiss her cheek and murmur it against her skin. She laughs. "Did mama tell you anything?"

"No" the baby shakes her head. Still playing with my fingers, I hear her speak again. "But she told me she needed time to be alone"

"Why? Did you annoy her again?"

I accuse her playfully and she looks at me before laughing. "Of course not" her tone is light as she opens her arms and beckons for me to lift her up. Which is kind of impossible considering the fact that I'm as skinny as a twig and she is healthily built up as this chubby cute kid I can't believe is mine. "She just told"

"She just told you?" I ask again and she nods before pressing her face against my flat tummy, inhaling my scent there. This kid is just like her mama. Cuddle bear. "Come on, let's go eat breakfast and I'll talk to mama soon, okay?"

"Okay," she says cutely and we march to the dining hall. Breakfast has already been served. At first, I was about to frown but when I saw Jennie, everything makes sense. She stayed last night when she decided it'd be too tiring to drive back home about the board meeting she had on Lisa's behalf somewhere near our home. So, she called and asked if she can spend a night here and of course I said yes. This is Lisa's home and apparently, it means it's Jennie's too.

"Aunt Nini!"

The baby squeals in happiness as she detaches herself from me and jumps to engulf her skinny, petite aunt in her arms. "I missed you a lot"

"I missed you too, buttercup" the cat-eyed woman mumbles, showering Chaeyoung's face with lots of kisses. "And I've made your favorite toast. So, let's dig in before I faint due to hunger"

She says comically which manages to make Chaeyoung laughs. "Anyway"

I tug a lost strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. "Since you're here to look after her" my eyes shift to the door that leads to Lisa's study room. "Do you mind if I go and check on Lisa? She was missing from the bed this morning when I woke up"


Jennie says. Flat and short as she guides the baby to the dining table. "Just don't be long, Rosie. The food's gonna get cold and it's not going to taste fine anymore"

"Got it"

I smile before marching towards the study room. Anxiety bubbles inside my chest as I knock on the hard door twice. But I get no response at all. Could it be that she's sleeping?

I take a deep breath before knocking again. The sound of feet shuffling towards the door from inside makes my heart swells.


"Lisa, it's me"

"Go away"


"Go away"

She says before slumping her back against the door, I suppose because from the way I see how light is blocked from under the door, I know she is sitting on the floor; probably drawing knees to her chest and burying her head somewhere in between.

"My love,"

I breathe out anxiously. "What's wrong?"

"Just go away," Lisa says again, this time her word is venomous. "Please"

"I won't go away," I say sternly. "Not until you tell me what's wrong with you"

"Everything is wrong" she sighs softly. "Lisa..." I fumble with the doorknob, contemplating either to twist it open or to just walk away per Lisa's request.

But walking away is never what I want.

So I twist the knob and pull the door backward but it's locked.

"Lisa, talk to me, my love"

"Just go"

"I won't go. I almost lost you once, Lisa. I'm not going anymore"

There is a silence before I finally hear her voice mumbling something inaudible.

"Fine" I finally decipher whatever she's saying. "If you're not going, then I'm going"

The door springs open revealing a fully clothed Lisa. She wears a blue button-down and khaki-colored jeans. Her face is grim as her eyes light up with fire. Her cheeks are damp. Has she been crying?

"Lisa, are you ..." I'm about to ask her when she pushes my hands away from her face.

"Fuck off, Roseanne"

There it goes. Roseanne again.

"What's wrong?"

I ask her but she remains silent. Walking past me, she aims for the cupboard where we place our shoes and grabs her Gucci loafers. An LV duffle in the other hand as she looks at me one last time.

"Lisa, where are you going?"

"Somewhere far"

"Lisa, are you nuts? Talk to me. You can't just run away"

If anything, Lisa laughs at my statement. "Talk to you?" she frowns. "Funny because you wouldn't even talk the truth to me"

"What truth"

"The truth of the very truth, Roseanne. You and I quite know what it is"


"Look" she speaks as she swallows the bile she tastes inside her mouth. "This is just too much for me. I need to go"

"Lisa, no"

I beg her. "Please don't go"

But she doesn't look back. Doesn't even stop for a moment.

When she is gone and I cry, I feel a small palm tapping on my shoulder. 

"I got you"

Chaeyoung says. 

Little FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now