Chapter 20: 'Temptation...'

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(A/n: 'Alright everyone, it's finally here, the smut chapter you all have been waiting for... In order for everyone to feel comfortable, I have set up a warning in the form of this symbol 🍕 you will see it appear the moment I suggest those who would be uncomfortable, to begin skipping and at the end where you can stop! Now without further ado...

It's time to feast my children.')






"Has anyone seen Joie? I really need to ask him something important." You asked aloud, waiting for anyone in parts and service to answer you.

"Uhh, yeah, I think he's in his office getting ready to leave for lunch." A fellow mechanic answered. "Better catch him before it's too late." 

You gave him a nod of understanding and raced to Joie's office as fast as you could. 


You had made it there just in time to see Joie locking up his office.  

"Joie!" You called out to him, making him stop in his tracks. 

"Oh! Hey Y/n! Caught me just in time, I was about to head out for lunch!" He smiled, walking over to you. "What's up?"

"What did you do to Freddy the other day?! He hasn't come out of his room ever since you gave that 'upgrade' he spoke of at Fantasy Day!" You ranted, grasping onto his shoulders. "It's been literal DAYS since anyone has seen him!"

"Woah! Woah! Woah there Y/n! He is perfectly fine! He is just getting used to it!" Joie reassured, taking your hands off of him. "He contacted me on my Faz-watch and told me that there was just one little thing he's got to get control over before he believes he can leave his room and perform again."

"Like what?" You crossed your arms. 

"Freddy has asked for me to keep that confidential." Joie chirped innocently. 

"Lord you're even starting to sound like him- listen the only reason I haven't just walked into his room is that I don't know the situation he's in right now, that's why I came to ask you first!" You explained. 

He just let out a sigh in defeat. he knew that he couldn't keep you in the dark for something you're worried about and care about. It wasn't right.

"Listen, I can't tell you everything, but I will tell you this." Joie looked around for a second and leaned into your ear. "The upgrade I gave him is a new part that can be detached whenever he wants." He whispered, watching you lean back slowly, eyes wide. 

"Joie, d-did you-?! You didn't give him the- you know!" You sputtered out. 

It took Joie a second to catch on to what you were saying before he began to laugh hysterically at your face. 

"PFFFT! NO OF COURSE NOT HAHA!" He wiped away a tear. "No, this is something that can be used during his daily work. But it can also be an alternative to what you were thinking!" 

"Why would you make an alternative when you could have just gone ahead and built the damn thing and save all that time?" You rose a brow. 

"Did you not read those blueprints? You saw the number of parts I need to build that thing?! The amount of money those would cost?! Hell, the only reason I could have built that new part for Freddy was because I had just enough parts to even THINK about making it!" Joie let out a scoff and looked at you. "Also, there is a difference between 'horny' and 'ready', and you, my friend, are NOT ready!" 

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