Chapter 4

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It was already midnight, when my mother arrived in city B.

She has always been a very efficient person, so she was able to help my uncles organize the funeral in record time.

The next day, everyone in the house calmed down and began to accept the painful event.

The grandmother stood in front of all the relatives and said: "He had a good life. The old man left his family in peace, he no longer suffers. With more than eighty years, he left smiling."

After the funeral ended, my mother spoke seriously with Mu Chenghe, the chosen place was my home. Mom made me wait for more than half an hour downstairs.

Once they finished talking, the three of us decided to go out to eat together.
As we were about to leave, we ran into Aunt Zhang who lived downstairs.

She greeted us and said, "Sister Tong, it has been a long time since I saw you last time. Are you renting your house? The other day someone just came to ask."

"I neither rent it nor sell it. I left it to my daughter," my mother said.

I smiled at Auntie and went with Mu Chenghe outside to wait for my mother.

Suddenly, I heard Aunt Zhang say, "You must be careful when you leave her alone. The last time a thief walked in, poor Xue Tong was so terrified that she ended up moving."

"Yes, I will ask Xiaomu to accompany her in the future," my mother replied.

"Oh, is the boy with you your son-in-law?"

"He is my daughter's boyfriend, she brought him here today to introduce him to me." I must admit that my mother was proud and delighted when she said this phrase.

"Tsk, tsk. How do you do to look so good? You are very lucky, Sister Tong, you are so young and you already have a son-in-law. My daughter is about to turn 30 and is still single. She goes out with one and the other, without ever being porning. In the end, people no longer take it seriously. "

I took a look at Mu Cheng He, it was unusual, how could he maintain such a natural and carefree expression as if he had not heard anything?

"You really are a middle-aged female assassin with extensive experience on the battlefield." I said in a grim voice.

He smiled a little and then pinched my cheek.

"Don't pinch me, it already pretty chubby.", I got up to resist.

He squeezed again childishly. It was at that moment, when my mother and Aunt Zhang stopped talking and both stared at him at the same time, just to see how she made fun of me.

Noticing the sudden gazes from him, Mu Chenghe's expression instantly petrified, he withdrew his hand in shame, and then pretended to smile at the two women as if nothing had happened.

When my mother met Mu Chenghe she was kind to him, but she was definitely not enthusiastic. However, after half an hour of talking to him, she suddenly became more accommodating and did not stop eating.

"Mom", I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What?" She asked.

"Weren't you saying it wasn't right to pour food straight onto other people's plates, it's unsanitary?" I said.


At that moment, my mother's eyes seemed to say: How did I raise such a foolish girl?

Something happened at her work, which forced her to leave after dinner, a driver was already waiting to pick her up.

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