Chapter 46

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"Harry..." I open my eyes to see the hospital wings ceiling.

"Harry!" I hear Hermione's voice.

"I saw my dad" Harry states,making me sit up. I'm in the bed opposite Ron. His leg was bandaged up and it seems like he's been awake for hours.

"He sent the dementores away
I saw it across the lake" I see Harry stand in the middle of the room with Hermione," Listen Harry, they caught Sirius
We have to do something before
the Dementores carry out the kiss"

"Do you believe that they kill him?", Harry looks terrified.

"No, its worse
Much worse
But are going to suck out this soul", as Hermione finishes the heavy doors of the hospital wing flies open and Dumbledore walks in,"Headmaster, you have got to stop them","They have the wrong man" Harry and Hermione rush towards professor Dumbledore.

"It is true Sir. Sirius is innocent." I stand up but fumble a little backwards as soon as my feet hit the ground.

"Scabbers did it" Ron stressed but I can see that Dumbledore is confused,"Scabbers?" Dumbledore turns directly to Ron,"It is my rat Sir. It is not really a rat. It was a rat. It was my brother Percy's rat" Ron rambles until Hermione has enough of it,"We know the truth Please, believe us"

"I do Miss Granger...
But I am sorry to say that the word of 4 13-year-old wizards will convince few others. A childs voice...However honest and truth
Is meaningless to those, who forgot how to listen. Mysterious thing, time. Powerfull...
And when meddled with..dangerous. Sirius Black is in the top most cell of the Dark Tower. You know the laws Miss Granger? You must not be seen
And you do well I feel,to return before this last Chime. If not, the consequences...are to ghastly to discuss" what is he even talking about. This man has gone insane. Hermione nods to everything he says,"If you have success tonight
More than one innocent life will be spared. Three times should do it for you" he winks at Hermione.

"Oh, by the way
When in doubt...
I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin
Good luck" he turns and walks out.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" "Sorry Ron, but the thing is, you can't walk and Ella you can't even keep yourself up-" Hermione take a necklace from under her shirt and throws it over Harry neck,making them share the device. "Ouch" I hear Harry yelp as Hermione slaps his wrist to let go. I make eye contact with Harry,"I'll always come back. Even as a shadow. Even as a dream" he tells me just before they slowly fade into nothingness.

The door barge open and Hermione and Harry walk in. "Wait but weren't you guys just-" I ask in confusion. They were in front of me one second and the next...what?

Harry's POV:the wolf.

Hermione howls loudly making Lupin run down the hill towards us. I grab her arm and pull her so we could start running. I pull her behind a wide tree as we see Lupin search for us.

"Harry!" I hear a voice calling out for me. Lupin run in the direction the noise came from.

I run after Lupin with Hermione close on my trail. "Professor Lupin..." Her voice was shaky. She still stood tall and pretended to be strong. Her face was still filled with blood and I could see that she was struggling to breathe as Lupin backed her up against a tree.

"We have to do something," I look over at Hermione who had a scared expression on her face. Quickly,I howled. As hard as I could to grab it's attention. Hermione grabbed on to my arm as we both bolted. I could hear it's loud breathing behind us as we run.

I peak again to see if it was still there. Instead I hear a loud roar behind us. I wrap my arm around Hermione as the beast run toward us. Buckbeak appears and scratches Lupin in the face making him run of.

"That was so scary,"Hermione whispers as she dug her head in my neck. It was traumatizing,but it astounded me how strong Ella was.

Hermione and I run towards the lake and wait for my father. No one comes. I look past Harry and Sirius dying..."you'll die" Hermione tells me as I see Ella runs up towards Sirius and I on the other side of the lake. "Harry! No,no,no,no,no..." She sobs. She digs her face in my shoulder. "Expecto Patronum!" I yell as I run towards the water. My stag comes out the point of my wand and all the dementors shriek as they fly away. "I'll always come back. Even as a shadow. Even as a dream." Her eyes close and silence.

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