Peter LaPointe .7

19 2 6

Angelica slammed her door open, slammed her door shut and then threw her purse to the ground. She was so angry that she didn't even care if she damaged anything in her purse, not even her phone.

She was thinking about all the gossip she was going to incur now. She was thinking about how her neighbours were going to look at her askance. She was thinking about how this was going to affect her promotion options, if the events of the bank robbery hadn't already.

She was thinking that if she hadn't had an alibi she'd be in jail right now.

"KYLE!" she shouted on the top of her lungs.

She stormed into the living room and he blinked into existence in front of her. For the first time, him appearing out of nowhere didn't surprise her at all.

She had a lot she wanted to say, or well yell. She had literally just apologized for her last outburst and all the means words she had shouted at her monsters. She didn't to hurt their feelings again, she didn't want to shout a bunch of things she only half meant because she was angry.

But... come on! He couldn't keep doing things like this.

She needed to calm herself down, she needed to not fly off the handle.

"Right... right... so I'm mad... I'm really mad!" she said and the briefest of flinches graced his featureless face. "I don't want to yell at you, so I'm... I'm going to ask you some questions to try and calm down..."

He nodded again.

"Before we get into the important questions... were you at the precinct with me?"

... yes...

Right, so she hadn't been dreaming that up.

"Okay... and... why... how did you... why were you there?"

Followed... scared... so... I followed you...

She was scared, of course she was, she was being accused of murder. Thank the lord she had gone shopping for apology gifts or she might have been in some real trouble.

"How could you follow me? I thought that you couldn't leave the totem..." Kyle just stared at her, he didn't answer the question, he rarely did where his totem was involved. "Okay, seriously, what is your totem. You've gotta tell me, it's clearly important and if I'm walking around with it I've gotta protect it."

But Kyle said nothing. He just stared at her.

... you were scared...

Okay so he wanted to change the topic. Fine. Fine. She'd let him do that, but this conversation was far from over.

"Yes, yes I was scared. I was scared because you killed Peter and I was going to get the blame," she hollered probably a little too loud considering how nosy her neighbours were.

She was yelling again, when she didn't want to.

Angelica forced herself to take three very deep breaths before looking at her Shadow Monster. "It was you, wasn't it? You killed Peter, didn't you?"

Kyle hit her with a nod, and a look of confusion like he didn't know why she was angry.

"Why? Why did you do that? How did you... I mean, his apartment has to be way out of your zone!"

"You wanted him to," Kevin said sliding out of the chimney. Angelica waited for him to hop across the living room and up onto her coffee table before continuing on her tirade.

"Excuse me! When did you hear that come out of my mouth? Any of you! Seriously! When did I say that?"

"You didn't have to tell him. Kyle is closely bonded to you. He felt what you wanted and did it."

Angelica's mouth dropped, she had been day dreaming about Peter and Christina getting what they deserved but those were just fantasies. They weren't supposed to actual happen.

And she had been day dreaming about Kyle ripping Christina apart. Not Peter. He got it mixed up.

Kevin focused in on Kyle and then added: "Oh and he also just wanted to."

Angelica collapsed to her couch with a groan. She dropped her head in her hands as she tried to digest what had happened. At least it wasn't entirely her fault, her Shadow monster had decided that he wanted to fuck with them all on his own. And it was clearly some kind of miscommunication. She hadn't realized that he could read her thoughts... or her daydreams.

Now she was going to have to be carefully about what she daydreamed about.

"Geeze-us, okay, I didn't think I had to specify this, but seriously... don't kill people unless I absolutely one hundred percent ask you to. Okay?"

She got some version of okay from all of her monsters and then she threw her head back with another frustrated groan.

Dear God what had her life become?

She was literally an accessory to not one, but two, different murders.

She couldn't take much more of this.

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