Chapter 7

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I woke up in the morning to find Fitz was cuddling Bruno in his sleep. I quickly took a pic of it and saved it for later. I looked at my clock and it read 05:30. I always got up at that time no matter what. Fitz eventually woke up because I was working on our gun prototype.

"You alright bud?" I asked him.

"Yea." He said. He got up and got changed. Bruno came over to me and say on my shoulder while Fitz got ready.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked him.

"Not to bad. You?" He replied.

"Same." I said back.

"Is that the gun we we were going to work on?" He asked me. He seemed surprised.

"Yea. Just started it this morning." I replied to Fitz, "You can help now, if you want." He walked over to the desk and sat down in his seat. He started to make the magazine for the gun. He made sure to look at the guns dimensions I had written down on the table. He made it very carefully and delicately. Bruno came over and sat on his shoulder.

"Fitz..." I said worryingly, "What time is it?" I asked.

"9:59am." He replied to me, "Why?"

"Because May comes in every morning to check on us at exactly 10am." I said back to him.

"Coulson and May don't know about Bruno, do they?" He asked me. I shook my head, "Willow..." He said disappointedly, "You know they won't let me keep him..." At that moment, before he could say anything, May came in the door.

"Are you...up..." She said, coming through the door and looking at Bruno. We had flipped the table up, and were still sitting on the chairs, "What is that?!" She half asked, half shouted at us. Fitz and I looked at each other. None of us said a word.

"It's Fitz's 30th birthday today, so I thought I would get him something." I started to say.

"So you got a monkey." May said sarcastically.

"He's not just a monkey." Fitz spoke up, "He's my monkey." May looked at Bruno.

"Well you know Coulson doesn't let pets..." May started to say.

"He's not a pet!" Fitz shouted,"He can help me! He can help all of us!"

"Fitz!" May shouted at him, "Calm down!" At that point, Coulson walked through the door.

"What's the matter May?" Coulson asked. He turned around and saw Bruno sitting on Fitz's shoulder, "What's that monkey doing here?"

"He's my monkey." Fitz replied stubbornly.

"Fitz. I...I know it'll be hard for you to give him up, but you have to." Coulson said to Fitz.

"Coulson." I said suddenly, "Can I talk to you, alone?" I asked him. He nodded. We both went outside, "Look, listen. Fitz has been betrayed to many times. Do you not think its time he got something or someone who he trusts and will always be there?" Coulson stayed silent, "Exactly." I said because I knew what the silence meant, "The monkey will always be there for him." At the moment I said that, I realised I had the photo of Fitz cuddling Bruno in his sleep. I brought out my phone and showed the pic to Coulson.

He looked at it and said, "He can keep him. As long as everyone else is ok with it."

"They all helped to pay for the monkey! So I think they'll be fine with it!" I said back to Coulson. We went back into my dorm, where May was holding Bruno while he was sleeping.

"What's the plan?" May asked, still holding Bruno. Fitz was looking at the ground.

"He's staying." And as soon as Coulson said that, Fitz's face lit up.

"So you mean we can keep him?" He asked Coulson, his face still beaming with excitement.

"Yes, Fitz. You can keep him." May said. Fitz looked so happy. I had never seen him this happy before, "I need you two to come with me." She said to us. She set Bruno in his special monkey cage I had bought for him. I saw May smile a little bit. We followed May down the corridor to a room i had never been in before. Fitz clearly knew what it was.

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