Chapter 4

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When we arrived the club house I took off his helmet and handed it to him. I walked inside and went to the bar and grabbed a beer then walked to my room. While I was walking I herd Opies footsteps behind me. I walked into my room and shut the door. I changed into a pair of shorts and a tank-top. Then went back to the bar and sat down. I was finishing my beer when I herd his door open. I turned to see him walking out of his room.

"Hey.." He said as he was walking towards me.

"Hey" I said taking another sip of my beer.

"You alright?" He asked sitting on the bar stool next to me.

"Yeah.. I guess.. Just a little freaked out.." I replied.

"I  understand, you're not used to stuff like this yet. But you will be soon."

"What, does this kind of stuff happen alot?" I asked.

"Well no not that much . Every once in a while." I was shocked. I know why mom wanted out, this is scary stuff.

"But hey nothings gonna happen to you." He said putting his hand on my leg. I freaked I had no idea what to do. I wanted to know him and understand why he acted the way he did. But I freaked.

"Uh I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see ya in the morning.." I told him while i was standing up. He looked at me funny.

"Oh ok, if you need anything I'm here, and Jax should be here soon." He told me.

I walked into my room and plopped down on the bed. I let out a big sigh of relief. How could I sleep with all of this stuff running through my head. I decided I was gonna get a shower, maybe it would help clear my head.

As the hot water cascaded down my body many things was running through my heaad. I didn't know  what I was getting into. My life had completly changed within a matter of hours. I liked a guy but I knew he wasn't stable at the moment and I couldn't do anything.

Afetr an hour I got out of the shower and while I was getting dressed there was a knock at my door.

"One second." I yelled as i finished getting dressed.

When I opened it I saw Jax.

"Ugh what do you want?" I asked turning back around to finish what I was doing.

"What did I do?" He asked. I turned back around to look at him.

"What did you do? Hmm, oh I don't know, purposely left me with Opie!"

"Ok and? Gosh I was just trying to help you get to know him better." He was still standing in the doorway. I was begining to get really agrivated.

"Ok but your the one that told me that he wasn't in a good place and to not get my hopes up! Like really, maiking me spend more time with him will only make me like him more and if what you say is true about him not wanting a relationship than I'll only get hurt worse!" I had raised my voice.

Jax just looked at me. I then herd someone say.

"What are you talking about?"

It was Opie, he had herd me yelling I guess. I was embarrassed.

Jax turned to look at him.

"Uh what did you hear?" He asked.

"Well Kelsi said something about you making her hang out with me and then you said something else, then she started yelling something about if she kept hanging out with me that she was just gonna get hurt. Now dose someone want to explain to me what's going on here?" Opie had herd me yelling, and now he knows how I feel about him.

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