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"They want you to do it on Halloween." Clay said, and I paused the movie we had been watching. It was never too early to watch the Grinch stealing Christmas.

"The ouija board?" I asked, and I felt him nod.

We were sprawled across my couch, and somehow throughout the course of the movie we had ended up a lot closer, and I had my head on his shoulder.

It really wasn't our fault, the house was pretty cold given that seven ghosts lived in it.

It was ONLY to keep us warm.


sort of.

"So tomorrow night?" I asked again, and he nodded again.

"Cool. Better tell my friends I love them then." I said, and Clay flicked my head with his fingers.

"Don't say that." He said crossly, and I sat up. I swore that I heard him sigh, but his lips didn't move and I was forced to brush it off.

"Clay, this shit killed you. I'm pretty fucked, but there are worse things. After all, at least I won't be stuck with Nick." I joked and Clay didn't laugh.

"Tough crowd." I muttered, but my ghostly friend's expression didn't change.

"You're probably going to die, how can you be okay with that?" Clay stood up, and I shrugged.

"I've lived a life, Clay. I've travelled to some pretty cool places in the world, I made incredibly friends and I've been happy. Most importantly I've been sad, and I've thought about it before. What else is there for me to do?" I stood up as well, it didn't feel good to be looked down on like this.

"I can't let you do this." He said finally, and I made a face.

"You can't stop me. You know that. Why are you acting so fucking weird about this? Start being greedy and accept that your curse might be broken. You should be happy right now." I broke then, and I winced at how loud I spoke.

"I've been Greed for thirty years and I've never once considered anyone else. Forgive me for being a decent person!" He shouted back, and I gasped.

"You're fucking Greed! Stop being nice to me!" I yelled, and Clay paused.

"I can't help it. I feel, different. I feel like myself." He murmured, and I stepped forward as he spoke to hear him better.

"What does that even mean?" I asked, and he shrugged helplessly.

"One of you has to fuck me, I don't care who, but I need to be laid." Wilbur strolled in to the living room and we slowly turned to look at him.

"Don't look at me like that, you knew this was coming." He said, and Clay groaned.

"Wilbur, get out! For fucks sake!" He said loudly, and Wilbur huffed as he left.

"What does it mean?" I repeated quietly, and Clay looked at me with that frightened look in his eyes.

"I don't know." He said, and we went quiet.

There was nothing more to say, and I walked out of the room. My kitchen was a comforting sight, and I winced at the shaking of my hands as I set about making tea.

I had already called everyone I loved and told them just that, making vague plans with some old friends as I did. It felt weird, but for some reason I was content. It was the strangest situation, and half the time I thought I was hallucinating the whole thing.

Tommy walked in as I poured my cup, and he smiled sadly.

"My mum always said that tea was the solution to all problems." He said, sitting down as he did, and I wordlessly got another cup, placing what I knew was Tom's favourite teabag in the cup before I poured.

"I thought I'd thank you for using the ouija board. It's pretty obvious what the risks are, but I truly appreciate it." He said, and I nodded.

"It's okay, Tommy. I'm glad I can do this for you. You deserve to be freed, and if the board doesn't work we'll figure something else out." Tom's eyes were awfully blue, I noticed as I looked into them. His wide eyes reminded me of how young he was, and I wondered why he had been hanging out with the other boys.

"Hey, Tommy? Can I ask why you were with them that night?" I asked, and Tommy laughed before he frowned.

"I was actually meant to be staying at my best friend Tubbo's house, but we got into an argument. It was so stupid, I felt like Tubbo was leaving me behind because he was making these new friends, but Tubbo felt like I was leaving him behind. He said something about Wilbur being my best friend, but that's ridiculous because Wil's practically my annoying older brother. Anyway, we were shouting at each other and he said I should go hang out with my precious Wilbur and I said fine, so I went to his house and his mum said he was at Sapnap's. Then I went to Sapnap's and they asked if I wanted to use an ouija board and I didn't want Wilbur to think I was a coward so I said yes." He explained, and I slowly rose a hand to cover my mouth.

"I wish I got to tell Tubbo that he was my best friend, and he always would be." Tommy's voice broke, and I flew around the counter to throw my arms around him. He sobbed loudly, and with each cry I held him tighter, choking back my own tears at his fate.

"I miss him so much." Tommy finally whispered, and my heart broke.

The kitchen finally grew quiet, and for once I couldn't hear any of the sins arguing.

How could I fix a broken boy if half of him was missing?

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