Of an Annoying Magician and a Friend

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'Today was hectic.' Bella thought, staring at Lucas with her chin on her palm.

Just a few hours ago, this grandpa-in-child-form in front of her had managed to stabilize Athanasia's Mana. Something that the great magicians from all over the world couldn't do.

Claude, who was initially skeptical of this child, became calmer since Athanasia's condition was said to have improved and was no longer in a dangerous position. Felix was also charmed by this little genius.

'If only they knew this guy is a swindler.'

"Please enjoy, Master Magician." Hannah, one of Athanasia's maids, said with a friendly smile full of gratitude at the man-child in front of her.

Lucas replied with an innocent smile that Bella is sure he had polished off so well. "Thank you, Miss."

Bella couldn't help the twitch at the corner of her forehead seeing all that.

They were currently in the dining room at the Pearl Palace, the place where important guests used to stay when visiting Obelia. The little Magician was exhausted after he worked so hard to stabilize the Youngest Princess Obelia, so the Emperor gave him one of the rooms in the Pearl Palace for him to rest.

And Bella's role here? As a pick-up guy for the little Magician, of course.

"The Emperor loves his daughter very much, doesn't he?" Bella heard Lucas commented as he cut the steak with his knife and fork. "He didn't even hesitate to kill his daughter's holy beast the second I said it was the main reason his daughter fell into a coma."

Oh, yes. Bella remembered clearly what had happened a few hours ago.

Lucas explained that the reason why Athanasia's Mana became unstable was Athanasia's little pet whose whereabouts Bella just found out yesterday. A black and blue dog-like creature that actually is a holy beast, a creature made purely from Atanasia's Mana.

Claude became livid when he heard that. He immediately gripped Athanasia's pet by the neck, intended to kill it.

"Had it not been prevented, he could have killed his own daughter with that action." Lucas said, this time chewing a grape on the plate.

Lucas immediately refrained the Emperor at that time, explained to him that by eliminating the creature, Atanasia's condition would only get worse. Bella and Felix also helped to calm Claude, until he finally released Blackie from his grip.

'I wanted to smack his head right then and there,'

Bella had to keep reminded herself that Claude was the Emperor, and it would make her head fly if she dared to smack him on the head.

Just realizing about something, Bella's jewel eyes turn to stare daggers at Lucas. "Since when did I allow you to speak informally to me? Do you want your tongue to be cut off for being disrespectful toward the member of the imperial family?"

Lucas only raised an eyebrow, his ruby ​​​​eyes looks amused. "Are you really going to do that? I don't think so."

"Oh," Bella summoned her sword with magic, a trick she had recently learned from Matteo. "Are you sure about that, hm?"

"I'm sure because I know you know who I really am. Your sister must have tattled to you already." Lucas said nonchalantly. "You know that only I can cure your sister's current condition, and you wouldn't risk your sister's life over something as trivial as 'disrespect towards the member of the imperial family'."

"So you're aware," Bella stabbed her sword into the palace floor beside where she sat, ignoring the indication that Lucas thought that Athanasia had been gossiping about his existence to Bella.

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