CHAPTER 54 ↠ emptiness

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When Bea started to regain conscious, she didn't know what had happened

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When Bea started to regain conscious, she didn't know what had happened. She felt the wet leaves under her, but she could not see. She tried to blink but even that was hard.

She tried to place herself to remember what had happened right before she was left unconscious. But for the first few minutes there was only darkness and her own breathing.

Then her vision slowly started to come back, as well as her memories. The Billy Boys. Jimmy. Bonnie bleeding.

Bea tries to speak, but all it comes out is a grunt of pain. Sharp pain at the side of her head.

She couldn't see far, from issues with her own vision and also because it was completely dark now.

The Billy Boys were gone, that was certain, as the silence was total. 

Bea moves slightly and realizes that the wet leaves where not wet because of rain or humidity but because she had a two big cuts bleeding at the side of her head. Slowly raising her hand, she softly touches where it hurts the most, when the gun connects with her head the second time and she feels her broken skin. Immediately, not having stomach to even imagine the state of her head she drops her hand.

Two deep breaths in and out and she forces herself up, with the help of her arms. She comes to her knees and hands and closes her eyes for a minute again, feeling sick.

Finally looking up she can see that Aberama is also gone. There, only she remains. She and Bonnie. Crucified. Dead.

"Bonnie?" she asks, as if he would answer her and tell everything that went on when she was unconscious.

But Bonnie didn't answer or move at all.

"Dad?" Bea shouts out as loud as she can.

Usually, she called him out by 'Aberama', but how could she now, with what she was seeing. It was as if she was a defenseless kid who needed her father for protecting.

"Bonnie..." she whispers as she looks down again.

Her eyes were feeling with tears, even if she continued to try and convince herself that what she was seeing wasn't real.

"Bonnie, help me," she says with her head down. "Bonnie?" she calls out uncertain as she raises her head again.

She pushes herself back and stays only on her knees. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath and then tears start flowing down her cheeks.

The Golden Girl ↠ Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now