Authors Note

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Hey y'all!

So this isn't a chapter, obviously since the title is A.N, this is more of an update. I've had a stressful week of midterms and just finished up today. I have a full two weeks time to update as much as possible!!!

I also just wanted to give a small tit bit of what's to come. As of right now I'm working on brainstorming for Aries summer break and sixth year. This will lead to more hidden mysteries and also show a bit of what Aries is looking for in her future as a career and who she will be spending it with.

These next chapters will rely heavily on the makings of the Order of the Phoenix and how Aries and Ben get more involved as time passes. I'll also be sure to add in more of Honey and Mindy. Those two have been awfully quiet recently and I'm stoked to bring them back full time!

I have already began writing the next chapter over the course of this week in my free time (which is usually less than an hour) and can most likely publish the next chapter before the weekend ends.

Thank you for the patience and thank you so much for the comments. Without them I wouldn't have noticed the mistakes I have made and couldn't include more goofy scenes from y'all's ideas.

Also, my announcement for tonight. Because y'all are amazing and pulled me out to 100k views, send a comment in this section ➡️ based on what you may or may not want to happen in the future, to a character, or even add inspirational ideas. I will be going through these and picking out whichever one(s) I liked the best and make a shoutout to that person when I use their comment.

Once again thank you for your patience and encouraging words!!

Love you all!


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