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Keefe hid it. He could hide things really well by now, and yesterday was no exception. He went to school, told a few people a VERY exaggerated story of the "Great Cape Destruction" as he had named it. He laughed around school, high fived people he liked, tripped a few annoying people(Like I have the urge to do sometimes), fist bumped Fitz, and ditched classes.

Yep. Great at hiding. Hiding what exactly? Hiding everything- his parents, house, secrets, emotions, feelings(Wait, those are the same thing), thoughts, hiding himself. Locking himself into a shell and staying there. If only someone else knew what it was like to do that- as of right now, Fitz was currently his only REAL friend, and he didn't even know about his father and mother yet.

Keefe knew he was suspecting something- Keefe never let Fitz in- or even stand on the outside of his house. Fitz knew what an annoying and hard person Keefe's father was to deal with, but Keefe knew that Fitz thought that Keefe's life was almost as good as his. But he wasn't going to correct Fitz. This secret was his.


In school, as he was heading to the leapmaster, he noticed Foster out of the corner of his eye(He knew her name was Sophie, but since he called her Foster- in his head- when he met her, he couldn't stop now).

Once he saw her, he gave her his full attention, curious. She was standing near Dex when she seemed to notice Biana standing there. She moved back toward her, but Biana saw her and immediately cut her straight to the leapmaster without comment.

Oooookkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy... Keefe didn't know what was going on with Biana, but he:

1) Got the answer to a previous question

2) Had a guess what was going on.

He remembered asking himself, "What does she think of Foster?" Because Biana didn't like girls prettier than her.

So Biana does not like Foster- Does she think Sophie is prettier than her?

Keefe hadn't really clearly looked at Sophie- he was sort of looking from the side when she first came, and during their conversation, it'd be kinda weird to stare at her, because Keefe was a self-conscious and awkward person. But he didn't have to look at her anymore- His photographic memory had captured every detail perfectly and put the small glances of Foster together to form the face he saw everyday at Foxfire.


Keefe didn't go home from his leapmaster. He couldn't face his father after that mess yesterday. Instead, he went to his favorite thinking place, which was in Atlantis. Keefe didn't like thinking that he shared a "Getaway place" with his father, but there was this one spot that just stood out to him.

The Unity Fountain(That's what it's called, right? I'm too lazy to check the books).

A human and an elf together. It just felt so.. safe.

Little did he know...

It was peaceful, and seeing two species completely different working together, well, it proved to Keefe that some things in life could be good.

Of course, then it had to be ruined.

But they hadn't taken down the statue. It's like a memory of peace between the two.

To be honest though, Keefe never paid attention to the statue.

He focused on the water.

He sat on the fountain and watched the water flow smoothly sometimes, twisting sometimes, and changing direction. Like life.

(Wow, Keefe, that was really deep)

Keefe closed his eyes and shakily levitated to the top of the fountain. He watched the people below him, seemingly smaller than ants. Always moving. It reminded him that he was one of many people in the world. His life wouldn't matter until he made it matter.

"Keefe!" He heard a voice call.

Surprised, he opened his eyes, and saw Alden standing underneath him.

"Oh, hey Alden." Keefe said, startled. "What a coincidence- both of us are here at the same time."

"Yes, quite interesting. How did you get up there? And what are you doing? Why aren't you at Candlesh.." He stopped himself, realizing something. "Oh. May I join you?"

Keefe shrugged. "Sure."

Alden's attempt at levitating was really kind of funny to watch. The only schooling he's ever had was Foxfire, and there, they don't focus on skills as much. But as funny as it was, Keefe held his arm out and Alden grabbed on. Keefe pulled Alden up.

"So..." Alden asked. "How is everything?"

"Eh." Did Alden realize what a terrible question that was?

"Keefe." Alden said, and the seriousness in his voice made Keefe turn and look at him. "You know I'm here for you, right?"

Keefe nodded.

"If you ever have a problem, come to me or Della. We will always help you however you need help. You have so many people that love you and care for you. So no matter if you're by yourself, or one person in a crowd of a thousand people, just know that you're not alone and you never will be. Never."

Keefe swallowed down the lump in his throat. But he couldn't talk. He closed his eyes tight so a tear wouldn't slip out. A tear that had been stuck in there for so long was fighting for freedom, but Keefe wouldn't let it out.

Keefe wouldn't cry because of his parents.

Ever again.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. He should be used to it by now. But Alden was acting so much like the father he never had, the father Lord Cassius should have been. And he couldn't stop that tear that fought for so long to get out.

Alden, wrapped his arm around Keefe's shoulders and Keefe leaned into him.

They stayed there for a long time, not moving until all the cracks in his heart broken by his father and mother were put slowly back together. They didn't move until all the broken parts of him were being filled with love, like water spreading the cracks in the stone. And his heart healed, piece by piece. Minute by minute.

They stayed there until Keefe the sun had set and the blue light in the dome changed to orange and pink, until finally, the "sky" had turned a midnight blue and little, glowing lights resembling stars peeked out from behind the fake moon and spread throughout Atlantis.

Until at last, Keefe felt ready to go home.

And face his parents again.

Okay so I'm confused. Does Atlantis have a fake sky? Because I'm pretty sure it did, right?


KEEFER Of The Lost Cities(EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now