Cohesive Conundrums

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Draco was worried. He of course wouldn't speak of it to Harry, but his concern was growing by the day. Harry didn't like sympathy from others. Frankly Draco didn't even know what was effecting his brother so much, and so he did the only thing he could think to do. "That's why I'm here. I don't know whats happening or how to even find out what's going on. Harry has been quieter lately, and any time Blaise or Daphne talk to him he pretends everything is fine. I'm not sure if he's mentioned anything to Lisa or Terry." He fell silent, waiting for his uncle to respond, to fix everything. Uncle Severus has an answer for everything!

Severus remained silent for a moment. He believed he knew what was bothering the little necromancer, but he had no way to confirm it. If Harry didn't know about Black, and possibly Lupin, Severus didn't want to be the one to let it out the bag. It had to come from someone Harry was closer to. "I believe I have a solution. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Draco, it will be sorted." His godson sighed, visibly relieved before jumping up and leaving the classroom. Snape had barely a second before the insufferable first years swarmed in, draining his energy in a second. He'd fix the situation after.

Lucius was barely awake as he sat to eat his breakfast, looking forward to the delicious English breakfast his wife had ordered the house elves to make. Unfortunately his morning was once again interrupted by a letter. He hadn't had a calm breakfast in months, constantly being hounded by either his Lord or the ministry. This time however, the letter was from Severus, a welcome difference. This is what he thought until he read the letters contents. Why Severus thought Lucius would have better luck he'd no idea. They were closer now, certainly, but the boy opened up to no one other than the dead. Although..... An idea occurred to him, and he placed the letter down, hoping it would work. It would have to wait until after breakfast though. He smiled brightly at the stern look his wife gave him. Narcissa had missed their quiet mornings as well.

Two days had passed since Harry had come to realise how entwined his past was with his present. He couldn't escape the light until he faced that, but frankly he'd no idea how. Terry nudged him, and he smiled slightly, hoping to placate his friends. He'd already heard from the snakes about the dada lesson, and knew worrying was the last thing Lisa and Terry needed. Everyone was worried enough about black escaping. They walked into the classroom, and Harry smirked upon hearing expressions of confusion. Of course no one understood why the new professor had brought a wardrobe to their lesson. "Now everyone, settle down. Settle down." It wasn't necessary, as the class had fallen silent as soon as the man spoke, and the reiteration seemed to be out of habit more than anything else. "Now, today we will be focusing on Bogarts. Can anyone tell me what a bogart is?" Lisa answered correctly, receiving grins from her friends. "Correct Ms Turpin, a Bogart is indeed a creature that transforms itself into that which you fear most. It can often be found in dark, cramped areas and they feed on the adrenaline evoked by fear. However, their is a simple way to combat them, the spell Ridikilus."

After a few more words and questions, the students formed a line, approaching the wardrobe and casting the spell one by one. Some students had rather simple fears, such as spiders and monsters. Others were more complicated, a teacher representing failure or a parent as disappointment. This continued until Harry reached the front of the line, and before he could take out his wand, Lupin spoke. “Well done everyone, that will be all for today. Your assignment for the next lesson is to write a 500 word paragraph on the history and knowledge of Bogarts and other associated creatures." Everyone left, other than Harry, who was confused as to why Lupin hadn't allowed him to go. "Harry?" Lisa's voice drew the professors attention, and Harry waved goodbye to his friends dismissing them. He barely waited for the doors to close before casting the usual spell. "Excuse me Professor, I was wondering why you didn't let me try the spell. We have ten minutes of class left." Lupin looked disappointed for a moment before replying.

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