Chapter 4: Y/N's College Plan

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A day had passed since you stepped into your home turf and defeated The Celestial Guardian. Your body was sore and tired as a result, but it was nothing a Senzu Bean couldn't fix.

You had let Kalasha enter the Celestial Realm so that he could start making a facility for all of you. While he was out doing that, you were left with a large group of teachers, thinking of what to use it for.

Aizawa: So are we moving again...? This is like the 6th time...

Y/N: Well, I don't know about you guys. We might've been your students in the past, but we've all grown up since then.

Glynda: If this really necessary? We already have all of this here.

Y/N: While that may be true, I'd like to explore my home world anyway. So either way, Me and my family have decided to move.

Ozpin: You're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting...

Y/N: Yup. We'll be the teachers!

Aizawa: It takes more than some smarts to be a teacher Y/N. You must have patience and understanding with all of your students.

Y/N: That's the thing. I'm not mentally equipped to teach a group of different students in everyday things such as Math, English, and all of that normal school stuff.

Azazel: I see, so you I'm assuming you'll be more of a trainer than I teacher.

Y/N: Yup. Anybody who's interested in martial arts, or would like to simply hone their skills will be able to come to me. I was thinking..."Y/N L/N: Combat General."! What do you think...?

Glynda: Ridiculous...

Azazel: Neat.

Ozpin: Interesting.

Aizawa: I don't really care.

Ursula: I think it has a nice ring to it! But who's going to be the educational teachers...?

Y/N: A few faces come to mind...

Time Skip

Momo: What?! Us?! As actual professors?!

After your little meeting with the teachers of HOH, you had gathered up the smartest people you knew that were available. Momo, Iida, Weiss, Pyrrha, Rias, and Diana. All of them having different reactions.

Y/N: Yup. This Facility is going to be an Elementary School, High School, and College/University all in one!

Iida: But Y/N, with all of us becoming professionals right after high school, we never got a chance to go to college or university ourselves...some of us don't even need it, but I can't speak for everyone.

Y/N: ...Oh...I...Didn't really think this through...

Momo: Don't worry, Y/N. We'll figure something out.

Y/N: Hm...wait...I've got an idea!

Pyrrha: Let's hear it.

Y/N: What if...we're not Teachers but Trainers!

Momo: Well...You're already a Trainer technically speaking, right? For our respective roles, it shouldn't be too hard given we've been taught and graduated ourselves.

Y/N: That's the thing. We can be trainers and students at the same time. I've been doing it. If I can do both, anybody can.

Weiss: So like our HOH plan? One week everyone is taught educational matters, and the next week, it's training, and then repeat the process?

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