02: record

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  It was the weekend and Haesoo has nothing to do other than lay on the bed while listening to a podcast in her room. She opened the curtains,  shut her eyes tightly while writing something on the diary. Haesoo smiled when the neighbors saw her and continue doing her work silently until a notification popped on her phone. She grabbed her phone and raised her eyebrows when Sunghoon sent a voice text in their classroom group chat. She excitedly listened to his voice text and couldn't hold herself from smiling like an idiot when Sunghoon chuckled.

"If you have nothing to do this weekend, you can come to the ice skating rink to see me training. Feel free to let me teach you! I will be so happy if any of you come."

"Let me treat you to dinner tonight. Don't forget to come!"

Haesoo immediately closed her diary and went to the closet, find any proper dress to wear before meeting Sunghoon at the ice rink.
As she has done, she dressed up and applied simple makeup.


"Park Jisung! Bang Yedam! Did you come for food?" Sunghoon took off his shoes and approached Yedam and Jisung who were amazed at seeing other skaters in the rink.

Jisung laughed at Sunghoon,
"We came because of food."

Yedam added, "Are we going to have tteobokki, spicy fried chicken, and coke?"

"Do you want that?" Sunghoon crossed his arm and chuckled when they nodded excitedly.

"Hyuri!" Yedam called Hyuri who has just come. Hyuri smiled and approached them happily.
She then stood next to Sunghoon and glared,

"Why didn't you tell me the truth?"

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows in confusion,
"Tell you what?"

"You sent the voice text in the group chat and tell everyone to come to your show."

"Just tell me that you want me to watch you."

"You're just too shy to admit it. So, you used that kind of trick--"

"Hyuri, less your confident please."

Yedam and Jisung laughed.


Haesoo stepped into the hall shyly and fixed her eyes on Sunghoon who was skating on the rink with his friends, Yedam and Jisung. She fixed her eyes on him from far, couldn't stop adoring him in silence as he was so cool.

Sunghoon laughed and quickly helped Yedam who suddenly fell on the rink after he couldn't balance himself. Jisung then dragged Yedam away, letting Sunghoon teach Hyuri who almost slipped as soon as she took a step on the rink.

Haesoo was just looking at them, controlling her jealously over her friend because she knew that she wasn't allowed to feel that way when the guy she has a crush on doesn't feel the same way as her. Haesoo has nothing to do other than watch them silently and be happy for them.

Hyuri looks so good for Sunghoon.
and Sunghoon looks so good for Hyuri.
They deserve each other so much which made Haesoo already prepare herself before they announce they are dating for real. So, she wouldn't get hurt and get to move on peacefully.

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