v. pretty eyes

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pretty eyes

CHAPTER Vpretty eyes

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GERMANY — 2016

NOAH WAS STILL CHASING AFTER THAT SPIDER. But, he wasn't going to give up just yet. He had to protect his teammates, especially Bucky, who Tony and his recruits seemed to be going after.

He finally got close enough to this spiderling. Whilst running, he raised his hands into the air, his fingers twitching as he attempted to focus on Spider-Man's energy.

Then, he eventually grasped onto Spider-Man's energy, grunting underneath his breath as he held the spiderling back from swinging away any further.

Eventually, Spider-Man collapsed to the ground. He landed on his back, allowing a groan of pain to escape from his lips. He clutched onto his sides, unable to stand up for a moment.

Noah approached Spider-Man, who had just fallen. He halted, now hovering over the struggling hero. He cocked an eyebrow upwards, his sea green eyes focused on the spiderling's hidden eyes.

Spider-Man glanced up at the brunet above him. He raised his hand a little, waving it ever so slightly.

"H-Hi. Hi." He murmured.

"Hello, Spider-Man."

"Please don't kill me," The spider begged. "I-don't-know-what-your-name-is."

"Uhh— Noah. That's my name." Noah responded. "Spider-Man isn't your real name, is it?"

The Spider-Man seemed stunned for a moment. His hidden eyes widening, he allowed a few anxious chuckles to escape from his lips.

He stammered, most likely meaning to say Spider-Man instead of his actual name, "I-I'm Peter-Man- Wait, no- I'm Spider-Parker- I mean-"

"Parker Peter? Peter Parker?"

"J— Just Peter is fine." Spider-Man hesitantly responded.

"It was nice getting to know you, spinne." Noah murmured. "But, I kinda have to stop you from getting to my friends, if that's okay?"

"What?! No! I have to impress Mr. Stark!"

"Well, I have to impress Captain Rogers."

And with those words, Peter hopped onto his two feet, punching Noah right in the face along the way.

Noah winced in pain at that punch, but he quickly got back on track again. He playfully raised an eyebrow upwards, delivering aggressive punches and kicks in Peter's way.

Peter dodged the kicks and punches like an angel. He seemed like he was born to fight. He just knew what attacks to dodge and throw, each and every time.

As the two teenagers fought against each other, they kept on talking to each other, as if they were best friends, which they were clearly not. They were the opposite, actually.

"You're so intimidating." Noah snickered.

"T-Thanks." Peter nervously chuckled. "You have really pretty eyes."

"Thank you, spinne."

Although, before the two teenagers could even throw more compliments at each other as they fought, somebody had just decided to step in.

Noah felt a knee kick his back from behind. He grunted in pain, collapsing to the floor as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Get them."

"Y-Yes. I will. Ma'am."

And with those words, Noah fluttered his eyes open. He could see that Peter was now gone and that the familiar face of the Black Widow stood before him.

He wanted to attack Natasha so bad for letting Peter go. But, he also wanted to just fangirl over her.

Even though the bottom half of his face was covered, he could feel his lips tugging into the smallest smile as he admired the red-head.

"Hey- Hi- Hello-"

He mentally slapped himself right in the face. He could have said anything to the one and only Natasha Romanoff, but he had decided to greet her in three different ways like a complete idiot.


"Hey, kid." Natasha uttered. "You might wanna move unless you want me to hurt you."

"I mean- I wouldn't mind if you stepped on me-"

Then, all of a sudden, Clint had decided to drag Natasha out of the away. He began to fight her, nodding at Noah firmly.

"Go!" He told.

And with those words, Noah briskly stood up. He could see Peter swinging in the distance, still on his way to grab Sam and Bucky.

He began to chase after the spiderling, seeing this as his last chance to prevent Peter from hurting Sam and Bucky.

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