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y/n pov

i wake up unnerved but the feeling of wanda on top of me provides a bit of comfort. I smile and kiss her head before sliding out from underneath her. i get changed into tights and a sports bra grabbing my phone and head down to the training rooms. I had woken up from well i guess you couldn't call it a nightmare but a bad dream. I check the time and it is a bit past 1am. Great an hour of sleep. I sigh putting my phone in my pocket. Im walking past the last lot of rooms. When i see a door open behind me. I turn around and see maria hill walking out of. my mothers room. My eyes go wide as my mind wanders to what she could have been doing in there.

She notices me and freezes, slowly she backs into the door and opens the door again retreating backwards into the room.

Marias pov

I smile and leave nats room 'good night' i hear her say from the bed. I leave the room expecting no one to be around and go to the guest room when i see y/n a couple doors down staring at me with wide eyes. I back into the door opening it and sliding back into the room.

'back so soon?' nat smirks

'im just gonna stay here the night' i tell her getting back into bed. She climbs ontop of me and i softly scratch her bare back.

'someone was up wernt they' nat mumbles into my chest.

'yeah... it was y/n' i tell her hesitantly

'oh god' we laugh and close my eyes again.

y/ns pov

i still have not recovered but continue my way to the training rooms. I go to the training rooms the idea of wrapping my hands completely missing my thoughts. I begin at the normal bag punching it thinking i wasn't going to go all out but after my 3rd punch the bag flys off the chain onto the floor. I sigh throwing it to the side and move to the reinforced ones. I don't know how long i was hitting it but eventually that broke off to. I look around for another bag to hook on but there wasn't one. I had to much energy in my hands causing them to flap i needed to punch something i was going to go to another normal bag but it wasn't enough instead i go to punching a wall. I know stark will complain but in my defence he needs better punching bags.

Finally feeling something i punch at the wall as it begins to dent. These walls wernt normal they were stone. As to why stark had stone walls in the training rooms beat me but i continued to punch as bits of rubble fall to the floor.

Wandas pov

I wake up checking the time to see its only 5. However i notice y/n not in bed. I get up walking out the door. As i pass the other rooms i see steve who probably is going for a run.

'have you seen y/n' i ask rubbing my eye

'uh idk kid but i herd someone in the training room' steve says i thank him and continue down the hall.

I open the large doors to see y/n next to a couple broken punching bags and is punching A WALL. I quickly use my powers to grab her fists before the can get anymore hurt. y/n turns around confused by the sudden restraint on her hands. I rush up to her my magic disappearing as i grab her hands.

'a wall y/n. a wall' i say a bit mad she didn't just wake me up.

'im sorry wanda' she says looking down. 'i didn't want to wake you, you know that' she tells me as if she knew what i was thinking which she probably did. I examine her hands her knuckles are red and bleeding a lot. A bit of gravel is in some of the cuts there was a bit of bruising on the small parts of the fingers that hit the wall. I grab her head since she is slightly shorter than me and kiss it gently.

'please wake me up next time' i ask her she just nods looking down at her feet again i pull her into a hug. She hugs me back and we just stand there a second.

'i think maria is dating my mom' y/n blurts out.

'really i thought nat just liked her' i tell her pulling away

'howd you get that?' she asks

'when i gave her her food last night she didn't want it and ive seen lately the glances they give eachother and how they always sit closer together in meetings or when marias at the tower. So i said ill get hill if she doesn't eat. She blushed and took the plate without saying a word' i smirk y/n smiles and follows me back to our room but instead i keep guiding her down to the bed bay.

'what are you doing?' she asks me

'your getting your hands checked out, i think the right one is broken' i tell her she rolls her eyes and continues walking.

y/n pov

i follow wanda down to the med bay even though i don't think my hand is broken or at least that bad. I think about the laundromat. They had photos of peter and i at school like if that isn't creepy already they had our school schedules and photos of ned and mj. I shiver at the thought of hydra watching us 24/7. Im thinking about all the information they had on us when i feel warm hands on my face. I refocus on wanda infront of me as bruce comes over to run an xray on my hands.

10 minutes later, my right hand is in a splint and my left is wrapped up. I sigh in annoyance as this just made my life very difficult.


if you died right now whats the one thing you regret doing/not doing

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