All in a Day's Care: Slumber

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Sun watched as you painted with your hands, you surprisingly did it as neat and orderly as you could. Despite knowing that paint would have to be smudged off of you in one way or another.

"Hmm, do we have any red paint Sunny?" Y/N asked as they noticed that almost all the colours were available. Except for the crimson hue.

"A-ha-hehe..." He fiddled around with his fingers as he looked down at them, then tilted his head at you.

"Y-you want me to give ya the long answer or the short one?"

"Any, tell it how you would."

"First of all, Fazbear Entertainment has assigned me to my post for the past 6 days. Then-all supplies and testing came right on the day I was released. I had to watch over the kids, especially the young ones-or else I'll be in big trouble. At the same time, I had to ensure all things used were returned."

"But-hey! Children these days just-L O V E-s-STEALING red. Red-red-RED-"

"Sun-" Y/N tried to get the animatronic's attention.

"Reed-rED-RRRRRED! Rrr..." He growled.

"Sunny?" You tapped him on the back right after removing the paint on your hands. It finally made the mascot stop and stare at you.

"You... alright?" You looked up at him.

"Me? Alright? O-of course I am! After all, I'm Sun, the happiest pal anyone could ever have! Happy-happy-happy. Stay, happy..." He mumbled the last part.

"Sounds to me that you're hiding something-"

"Pshh-nonsense! Nonsense. Aaanywaays-back on what you were doing. I want to see the end product!" He squealed as he jumped up and down in anticipation.

"Turns out I just finished. Voila!" You showed off your artwork to him.

"Is-is that me and y-you together?"

"Hehe. Yes!" You giggled at his expression.

"Nobody has ever painted me before! This is wonderful, Y/N. Wonderful!" He lifted you and spun you around joyfully as you laughed along.

"Thank you-Y/N-thank you!" He hopped around whilst holding you in front of him.


"Can you-"

"Yeah?" He bounced.

"Put me down-please?"

"Huh, why? The kids loove for me to twirl and hop with them-"

"I think-I'm gonna-"

"OH-" He immediately stopped and gently laid you down on the ground.

"Oh dear-oh no." He looked at you for a long while.

"Y-Y/N?" He tapped your cheek.

"Y/N, are you awake?"

No response.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE-I DIDN'T KNOW! Oh no-no-NO!" The sun animatronic frantically looked around for anything, then he decided to go near and see if you were still breathing.

You were still alive, thankfully.

"Phew. Almost made me have a breakout there-" He sighed before carrying you to the sleeping area.

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