5. After The Exams

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The other students backed away from Hisashi as he approached. The exams have concluded and the possibility of gaining anymore points was gone. It was over. Hisashi carried Uraraka in his arms. She had gotten it stuck underneath heavy rubble that had left her injured and unable to move. In addition, she was exhausted after pushing her quirk to its limits.

Walking towards the entrance, Hisashi looked around at their faces. They were shocked. He knew they would be. Some had their jaws dropped open. Others were still processing the amount of power he displayed. As admirable, stunning and breathtaking his attack might've been, Hisashi bit the side of his cheek. It hurt. His right hand remained steaming. It was the hand he had shot the powered-up Air Cannon out of. It felt like it was pulsing up his arm and to his shoulder. The bumping feeling hurt from every movement he made. His original quirk has its drawbacks. He suffered the same drawbacks as the quirks he takes. He can't take or give a quirk without contact with the cranium of a person and if he combines too many quirks into one attack, his body will destroy itself.

Hisashi internally frowned. The greatest power also has the greatest drawbacks. It was a natural rule in the world. Things must be balanced, but Hisashi disliked that. If he can't use his quirk at its peak without getting seriously hurt, then what was the point. He'd have to find a quirk that can increase his overall strength so that he could handle more powerful and complex combinations. An investment in quirk research must be done. If he found a quirk that could make his body more durable, then he has to take it, without a question. He shall exercise his right to use his quirk, just like anybody else.

"Um......thank you....". Hisashi glanced down with a straight face. In his arms looking up, Uraraka weakly stared at him. She had small tears in the corner of her eyes along with a blush that was sprinkled on her cheeks. She felt embarrassed by having to be carried, especially by someone she found slightly attractive, but she kept her blush under control by focusing on her leg. It hurt. The white haired teen managed to remove that really heavy concrete chunk that trapped her leg. It amazed her truly. Not only was his quirk strong, but his physical abilities were also impressive. Who was he?

"I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. You ended up falling into danger just to save me" Uraraka said in a small voice while looking back down to her hands," I wasn't strong enough to handle myself so.... I'm sorry...".

Hisashi acknowledged her words. They were more so moralistic. He didn't have a particular problem with that, making this an exception, but decisions made by or affected by an individual's morals on what was right or wrong, never fit well with him. He knew he contradicts that belief by doing what he wants because he wants to, but who would argue with him? This brown haired girl however was just pitying herself. She must be thinking that it was her fault that he had to carry her, thinking she had gotten in the way. She did, but he didn't have to mention that. Hisashi took a moment before responding.

"It is alright. How is your leg?". Hisashi shifted the focus back onto her.

"My leg...it hurts. That rubble from before really scraped it badly, and I think my quirk got pushed, you know?" Uraraka said with a weak smile. Her face dropped back to a sad one. She still felt guilty and that didn't mix well with the sick feeling in her stomach. Hisashi took note. If he were to see her in the future, then she would make a fine tool. Emotional, check. Weak, check. Disposable, check. She fit the requirements as it seems. Hisashi put that thought aside, along with many other thoughts.

"What's your name?". Hisashi didn't look down at her this time, making sure to walk through the crowd of baffled students and out of Ground B. He planned to drop her off either at the school's nurse's office, or to throw her at a hero.

Uraraka looked up. " I'm Ochako Uraraka. Nice to meet you....".

"Midoriya. Hisashi Midoriya. Nice to meet you too". Hisashi did have his manners.

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