boiled candy

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Xingqiu played on his phone, sitting on a swing, xiangling was close, she was calming herself down for meeting her favorite member, ghosty.

Two people walked up to them, one was a girl with a red short sleeved shirt and black skirt, her hair was tied up in a bun, she had a beanie on, the other was a boy with blue hair, green shirt and blue jeans "were here xing!" It was chongyun and ghosty!

"Oh! Hello! You must be ghosty!" Xingqiu held his hand out to her, she looked at him up and down and whispered to chongyun, xingqiu didn't hear her but chongyun blushed and looked away "nice to meet ya! You don't have to call me ghosty, just call me 'tao!" She shook his hand "wheres your friend?" Tao looked around

"Oh, xiangling! They're here!" He looked around "ah! Sorry I'm coming! I-im xiangling, uhm... xingqius friend" xiangling smiled, but inside she was panicking..

Tao shook her hand, chongyun looked around with his eyes nervously "shall we go now?" Xingqiu noticed he was getting nervous "where are we going?" Tao adjusted her hat and hair and looked around "THERESATHEMEPARKNEARBY" xiangling blurted out "oh yeah!" Xingqiu smiled

"Wanna go?" He asked and stood up "uhm.. if it costs money ill pay for the rides" chongyun pulled his wallet out, it had a tbhk sticker on it as well as multiple cats drawn on it in blue ink. "Are you sure?" Xingqiu asked, staring at the boy " y-yeah! Its fine!"chongyun shoved his wallet back in his pocket.

"Then lets-a go!" Tao did a Mario impression and marched away "you.. dont know what way to go.." Xingqiu laughed "oh yeah.." tao marched back "ill show you guys!" Xiangling ran ahead, tao chased by, wanting to get to know her.

"And that leaves two, let's go yun yun!" Xingqiu walked behind them, chongyun briskly followed, xiangling and tao spoke to each other

"Soo, are those two dating or something?" Xiangling laughed "well, its hard to say" tao sighed "you know that concert? The one where yunyun had to go off stage? Well like 5 minutes before it began xingqiu came running up to me, his face was red and he was all flushed!" Xiangling nudged tao, tao gasped "my brothers gayyyyy" she fake sobbed and groaned, xiangling laughed

"Well, here we are!" Xingqiu caught up to them and pointed to a big place with rollercoatsers and other rides, chongyun soon ran up behind him, panting "im.. here.. whew.." he gasped for air

"Wow! Its sooo pretty!" Tao ran up to the gate, she rushed in, the other three followed "isn't it cool yun? We've never been to a place like this before!" Tao wondered around "yeah... its sad were leaving tommorow.." chongyun sighed "Well, let's have fun before you go" xingqiu held chongyuns hand and smiled, chongyun blushed and looked away

"GA-" xiangling got cut off from tao "lets do the ferris wheel first! But we can go in separate carts" tao suggested and grinned "okay!" Chongyun smiled and payed for everyone to go on "IM GOING WITH XINGQIU!!" tao grabbed xingqius arm and rushed into a blue cart "wait-! Ugh.. guess its you and me.. ladies first" chongyun sighed and stepped out of the way for xiangling to enter the pink car that was next, she gleefully hopped in, chongyun followed

// with xingqiu and hutao\\

Hutao sighed "so, whats the deal with you and my brother?" She tapped the floor with her foot "ehm.. I dunno? Were friends.." xingqiu nervously looked out the window "friends? You were holding hands!" Hutao laughed "or did he friend zone you?"

Xingqiu sighed "i held his hand to comfort him!" Xingqiu argued for his life "sure~" hutao sarcastically waved her hand "its true! He looked nervous!" Xingqiu pleaded "mhm.. just like how you 'comforted' him at the concert" she smugly grinned "wha-! Hey! Howd you know we- n-never mind" xingqiu covered his mouth and gasped

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