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╔═══════════════╗「 chapter | twenty-five 」   ❛❛ mine ❞  ╚═══════════════╝

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chapter | twenty-five
❛❛ mine

MY MIND SHIFTS TO how Elian practically split me open and fucked me into oblivion last night as we sit in front of all our friends, waiting on our food to come. We decided that after this, we'll talk about everything that needs to be talked about.

Different fragments of what happened keep replaying in my mind, but the one that has me pausing for a moment while I sip strawberry lemonade through my straw is something he said. Je t'aime. Where have I heard that from? Part of me wants to ask him what it means, but I'm a nervous wreck.

Elian notices, his eyebrows furrowing as he waits for me to tell him what's wrong."What's on your mind, beautiful?"

"Nothing, it can wait until later."

"Ugh, gag me." Rivyn says from the other side of me. With Elian on my left and Rivyn on my right, he heard what we said.

"Who invited you, again?" Nayeli asks from the other side of the table.

"My sister did, who invited you?" He raises an eyebrow with his arms crossed. I look at Elian and he just sighs.

"My brother," Nayeli shoots back, narrowing her eyes at Rivyn while Denali just sits back watching the whole thing happen with bored eyes.

"Oh, the one who just so happens to be screwing my si—" I feel like a fucking parent, trying to talk these two down.

"Hey, that's enough." I say, getting ready to rip Rivyn's throat out.

"You guys are screwing again? Thank the Gods." Casey says, chewing on a honey buttered croissant. "Please don't call it that," Elian groans from beside me.

"What else should we call it? We all know you guys go at it hard," Emory says casually as if he's talking about the weather. I choke on my lemonade, eyes wide. Hayden looks at me and I look at her, then she looks at Riley who's already looking at me.

"What we should really be talking about is what happened last night. Are you guys back together?" Rivyn asks, his eyes normal with a bit of hope shining in them.

"Well, we hav—"

"Yes we're together again, and speaking of together. We have business to attend to," Elian says, gripping my hand as he pulls me to my feet.

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