Chapter 5: Y/N Meets The Cerealian

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After S/N and Nate's rather heated sparring session, both S/N and Chloe were getting ready to go to bed. You were helping Chloe get into her PJ's as S/N was already in bed, fast asleep in his own bed.

Y/N: There you go, all nice and cozy. How was your day?

Chloe: I had fun today! Big Brother S/N is super duper strong!!

Y/N: Hehe, Yeah, he is. And you will be too, sweetie.

Chloe: Goodnight, Papa.

Y/N: Goodnight, Chloe. Goodnight, S/N.

S/N: *Snoring Sounds*

With that you walked out of their room, of course after making sure Chloe's Night-light was on. She didn't like the dark, which was understandable. Most young children don't. S/N didn't seem too bothered by it though.

Gently closing the door behind you, you were greeted by all of your wives. All of them having this look in their eye that shouted cuteness.

Tsuyu: Y/N just had a dad moment...!

Velvet: You're so adorable...!!

You were then forcefully pulled into a tight hug as Koneko swept you into her arms. Your face pressing against her chest as the smallest smile creeped onto her face.

Koneko: C'mere, you big softie.

Before you knew it, all of your wives were arguing over who got to nuzzle you the most. You went from one set of arms to the other, most of them shoving your head into their chests.

This went on for about 10 minutes and you were starting to get a little irritated more than anything, but not enough to stop them from having their fun.

Sucy: How does somebody stay so pure with this many flirty wives...?

Y/N: That's the thing, I'm not pure.

Everyone: What?!

Weiss: How could you say that...?!

Y/N: Well think about it. I've killed more opponents than I can remember, I swear, and sometimes my battle instincts get the best of me. There's a difference between being Pure and Being dense...or just...stupid...

Lotte: You're not stupid, Y/N!

Yang: Y/N where is all of this coming from?!

Y/N: I don't's just...something that's been on my mind for awhile...

Asia: Aww...Y/N you shouldn't feel like you're stupid, because you're not!

Y/N: Tell that to my grades in school...

Your conversation was then interrupted by the sounds of explosions outside. Everybody's attention directed towards this, with you quickly taking action.

Y/N: Those were Ki explosions. I sense a great energy outside, Something's going on. Stay here, and protect the kids.

Yang; Right...

With that you walked away, leaving Yang and the others to wonder what's made you feel so down.


You came running out of your house as the sight of a smoke cloud came into view, Midoriya was out here fighting whoever caused these explosions, and he wasn't in good shape.

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