Chapter 52

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As everybody applauded,Fleur and Gabrielle sat down. Harry stood up and clapped his hands as boys all over whistled at the girls. I look over at Hermione,she has a disgusted look on her face. I turn to look at what she was glaring at. Malfoy with his arm around Valerie. She made eye contact with me as her lips formed a smug grin.

I turn around as Dumbledore's voice echo through the Great Hall,"Now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang,and their high master,Igor karkaroff."

Everybody's head turn to the heavy doors as a group boys enter. They all have a sort of stick in their hands and as they walk through the tables,they hit it against the ground making sparks. It's the very opposite of the Beauxbatons Academy entrance.

They chant as they run towards the front doing gymnastic trick. It seems even Dumbledore is bewildered by the entrance.

"Blimey, it's him! Viktor Krum!" I hear Ron next to me,making me turn around. A tall,manly figure walk towards the front,not giving anyone any attention.

I look at the front as a boy blow on his wand and a dragon made of fire escapes his wand.

"Igor...I think I've heard of him before..." I look at Hermione as she gets that concentrated look on her face,"He was a death eater Hermione!" I whisper so only she can hear me but I can tell Harry heard me too.

We all dive into the massive plates of food in front of us. The Beauxbaton girls are sitting at the Ravenclaw table and the Durmstrang at the Slytherin table.

A bunch of men who carried in a large object into the great hall that seemed to look like it was made of gold,just scurried away as Dumbledore stood up asking for attention.

"Eternal glory. That is what awaits a student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this , that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks," Dumbledore spoke as he held the towering object,"for this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule," I could see out of the corner of my eye,the door on the far end of the room opens up,"To explain all this,we have the head of department of International Magical Cooperation,Mr. Bartemius Crouch,"

As Dumbledore finishes his sentence the Great hall is up roared with thunder and lightening. Everyone covers their heads as rain falls towards the ground, extinguishing the lit candles hovering above us.

The screams are immediately stopped as I see a stroke of light hit the ceiling,it seemed to be casted from the farthest door.

"Bloody hell. It's Mad-Eye Moody." "Alastor Moody? The auror?" Hermione replies to Ron. "Auror?", Dean asks from a few seats in front of me. "Dark wizard catcher," I reply,"like a bounty hunter. My father worked as one before he became head of the department of mysteries. Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him." I finish as everyone stares back at the crazy looking man. He had a glass eye covering most of the left side of his face,"he's supposed to be mad as a hatter,though,these days." Ron is right though,the man looks like he should be in an Asylum or Azkaban itself. He has a metal leg and he grunts as he walks towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore greats him and in return Moody shakes his hand. Everybody starts whispering and I look at the man as he drank from a canister filled with something. "What's that he's drinking, do you suppose?" "Maybe Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction," Hermione giggles softly at my remark,"I don't know but I don't think it's pumpkin juice" Harry states.

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