Bloody Pureblood Supremacy / Seven

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It's been five days since I've been at Hogwarts and I learned some more about this castle such as; the Hufflepuff common room is near the kitchen and I don't even know where the kitchen is. There are about 12 major towers and around 12 smaller ones and the castle is also full of secret passages and rooms too. 

I learned all of that from the Weasley Twins who are also the brothers of the ginger haired boy that now I have know is Ronald Weasley.

Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school also announced that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts in November.

I really thought they have cancelled the tournament due to contestants dying. Maybe the Ministry has gone mental this time... again.

It's Saturday today so me and the girls chose to wake a bit late and went to eat breakfast with the group. We sat at the usual spot as we discuss what to do today. I was thinking about what more places to explore here with the twins when Daphne pokes my arm.

"Earth to Venus! Are you coming?" she flickers her eyes multiple times as she looks at me.

"What- Where?" I looked around the table as they chuckle at me. My hair turned slightly orange as I look back at Daphne.

"To Hogsmeade." Blaise chimes in, raising his eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"Oh! No, I have homeworks to do and more to explore the castle with The Weasley Twins." I explain with a smile, "And I have to head up to the library to meet up with Hermione to study with her anyways." I add.

Pansy was about to say something but was cut off when Malfoy scoffs and everyone turns to look at him.

"Friends with mudbloods and blood traitors? How pathetic can you get?" he utters as he look up at me from the book he was reading.

Again with the names?!

His face fills with satisfaction knowing he hit a nerve of mine.

He knows from day one since we met and shared names that I don't like the word "mudblood" word or "blood traitors". I have ignored him saying it for the past days knowing that we would get into an argument if I say anything about it. And since I'm just a new kid here, I don't want to cause any troubles.

My legs stood up on their own within a second, slamming my hands on the table causing everyone in the hall to look me. I grip onto the table tight due to the quick moment I made that almost made me loose balance as my blood boils, making my hair turn red.

"Just because we just met, it doesn't give you the chance to insult me or whoever I befriend with, Malfoy!" I shout, looking at him straight into his eyes like he did when we first met.

"I rather be friends with a muggle-born than be friends with a boy who can't seem to put his bloody pureblood supremacy and pride aside for once in his life." I snapped with rage before I turn away and walk away from the table, out of the great hall leaving them with wide eyes and gapped mouths.




People turn their heads to the entrance as she storms out of the hall. Everyone eyes were already onto her as soon as they heard the table slammed with such a force I didn't expect from her.

I can even hear some Gryffindors laughing as they look at me. The group went quiet for a bit and then started laughing. My body filled with anger seeing their faces... laughing at me, mocking me.

No one, I mean no one has ever talk back to me like that before.

"She just wooped your ass, mate." Theo exclaims, hitting my shoulder, "More worst, she's just a new student."

I give him a death glare which only caused him to laugh more. I slap both Crabbe and Goyle behind their heads to shut them up. Daphne and Pansy leaned against each other as they laugh heartily, wiping their fake tears. Blaise shakes his head as he went back reading the Daily Prophet while he drinks his tea.

"She'll pay for that one." I mutter under my breath as I stare at the entrance that she just left.

But there is one thing, no one noticed.

The place where her hands landed as she slammed the table, now has fragment and splintered wood out of it, making the table cracked and bent in weird ways.



After we all got back from Hogsmeade, I told Blaise to put my things up in our dorm and I went straight to the library to find Venus.

She has been on my mind ever since this morning when she humiliated me in front of the whole school. In front of the Gryffindorks.

"With a boy who can't seem to put his bloody pureblood supremacy and pride aside for once in his life!"

I clench my fist tightly as I remember their amused faces laughing while she shouts at me in my head.

As soon as I got to the library, I quickly start to search for her. About a minute or so, I see her sitting in the back of the library with that mudblood Granger as they whispers words back to back while they take notes.

My blood immediately boils as soon as my eyes landed on her.

Two people I hate in the one room. How great!

As I storm up to them, both her and Granger's eyes snaps up from the loud noise breaks the quiet ambience of the room. Their smiles fading as their faces turn puzzled looking at me.

I grab Venus by the wrist tightly, pulling her up and taking her out of the library while she fights back.

"Hela!" Granger shouts in panic.

She kept hitting my hand and soon starts scratching with her nails before I push her inside of an empty classroom. But before I can do anything, I felt something tightly wrapped around the arm that I was holding her but not seeing quite what it was with the darkness inside of the room.

I take out my wand out the sleeve of my shirt to see what was holding onto me as it squeeze on my forearm tighter.

"Lumos." I grunt in pain as I point it at my arm, to see red hair.. hair?

Hair is what wrapping around my arm tightly?


oopsie daisy

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apirl 11, 2022

edit it one more time for some things that i want to put but it didnt made anything better so im just gonna leave it

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