20. Rescue

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He arrives at Yuta's house, it was dark and luckily for him, he knew Yuta's house inside and out. He makes his way to the back, opening the door and making his way down in silence. After a few steps, he stops listening to see if he could hear anyone down there but he didn't hear anything.

He continues down the stairs until he finally reaches that wretched horrible, rusting door. He opens it and slides in.

"L-Lucas? Jeno?!" He says, wide-eyed and they look up at him in shock. He rips off the tape that prevented them from speaking and he sees their relieved smiles to see him.

"How the fuck did you know we were here?" Lucas asks. "I had a thought that's all..." He says. "Why are you down here though? Lucas you're supposed to be dead" He laughs and Lucas rolls his eyes. "Yuta 'saved' me," He says. "What about you... Jeno?" He asks and Jeno gulps. "Yuta kidnapped me, he... he said he wanted me as an extra 'toy'" He tells Mark who nods. "Tch, fucking freak, how long ago was he here?" Mark asks and the two boys look up in thought. "Not too long ago but he said he'd be back down soon so make sure you hide," Jeno says and Mark nods. "I'll know when he's coming down, he usually whistles a song on his way down," He says and the boys raise a brow. "He's never done that whilst we've been here," Lucas says. "Has he not...?" He asks, a little panicked and he notices something new in the corner of the room, a flowering cactus. "I didn't know he liked cacti" He mumbles, making his way over to it and looking at it closely, but not too close that he'd get pricked.

The spines were a burgundy red and the cactus was small and round. It was very cute and he wanted to take it for himself but he realised that Yuta would obviously know someone would have taken it.

"Mark!" Jeno hisses, causing Mark to jump up and look. "He's coming!" He whispers and Mark looks around a bit before shoving himself in the cabinet, holding the door slightly open so he could see what was happening.

The door screeches open and Yuta raises a brow.

"Oh... I see... how have you managed to get those off then?" He asks, placing two plates he held on the side before crossing his arms. "It wasn't that difficult, it's only tape," Jeno says and Yuta chuckles. "Hm...? well unless there was a lot of moisture on the tape, I could believe you... but" He bends down, picking a piece of tape up from the floor. "This is still very very sticky and looking at that... it seems to have been pulled from the side," He says, showing the two the tape that he'd stuck to one of his fingers. "So... how have you two got them off without the help of a third party," He says, turning his foot directly at the cabinet Mark was in.

He knows.

"There are many ways of getting tape without someone's help, you should know this" Jeno says and Yuta laughs. "Oh you've got such an active mouth, not heard anything from you yet," He says looking at Lucas. "What's there to say except you're an idiot" He snickers before earning a slap from Yuta so loud that it made Mark flinch. The room falls silent. "Well... I was stood at the top of the stairs for a while and whilst I was on my way down I heard a somewhat familiar name from one of you" He says looking at Jeno. Mark begins to panic, silently grabbing a carving knife from the wall behind him and gripping it tightly, ready to defend himself if necessary.

"Well he's here now, which is what I wanted, we have unfinished business," He says. "FUCK, I FELL RIGHT INTO IT!" Mark screams internally.

"Oh Markie, come out now~" He coos and Mark freezes. "Please don't let this become any more difficult, me and you are both injured, so don't make me have to drag you out of there," He says his voice becoming more aggressive. He slides the knife down the back of his trousers, hiding the handle under his t-shirt and jacket before walking out.

"Ah... he really is here" He chuckles. "I know to trust my gut feelings now" He smiles and Mark's face drops. He didn't actually know that he was there. If he'd just stayed put then he probably would've been safe.

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