12: The Day I-

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Okay, I get it, trigger warnings aren't really my thing. I have literally had characters tied up and tortured like, several times but this is a bit more of a prevalent issue so I'm putting a trigger warning for some homophobic parents! 


"Mom, dad, I'm gay.".

It was a scary decision to make. Gay marriage was legal in Japan now and there were anti discrimination laws. Still coming out to his parents had been terrifying.

He barely knew them. They existed as names on permission forms more often than they existed as people. Chiharu had no idea how they would react to the news. Had they suspected it? He couldn't imagine they had any idea of who he was, let alone who he wanted to be with.

"Is this a joke?" His mother asked. Her voice was impartial, it held neither joy nor malice. Chiharu's expression must have spoke for itself as she coughed awkwardly and explained herself. "Sometimes you act out for attention. It could be one of those times.".

The apartment was eerily silent with only the pitter patter of rain on the window in the background.

"Its not a joke. I really am gay. I-I wanted to tell you guys first. The USJ thing made me realize that I want you guys around me a lot more. It hurt to think of dying when I hadn't hugged either of you in over a month." Haru said, shifting awkwardly in his seat.

Once again an awkward silence stretched between them.

"I don't think we can stay a family if you're going to be like this." His father said. Chiharu felt his blood run cold. Suddenly he longed for the silence to return. The silence had been comfortable compared to this.

"What do you mean?" Haru croaked.

"First you go to U.A, now you're gay." The man said, tilting his head to the side as if he was annoyed. "Are you really our kid? Your mother and I live quiet lives, why can't you be satisfied with that?".

"Your father is right." His mother added, clutching her husband's hand where it rested on the table. "We really don't have the patience to deal with a child like you. I think it would be best if you left.". 

Left? None of this made sense to Chiharu. He was sure it wouldn't make sense to anyone. If you wrote it down on paper it would seem like a cheap excuse to get rid of a child you didn't want anymore.

But there was something about that statement that didn't sit well with Chiharu, so for once in his life he decided to mention it.

"You could at least say my name." The teen said, staring at his parents.

"What?" His father asked, sounding offended. "You didn't say my name." Chiharu insisted, "If you're going to kick me out or disown me or whatever at least say my name. I know you know what is, I just want the respect that addressing me personally has.". He spoke clearly and slowly, desperately trying to keep his voice even. 

"This is why we can't be a family." His mother said, as if she had years of pent up frustration to get out. "You never react the right way. You're always so picky about everything and you want us to wait on you hand and foot.".

"I don't want that." Chiharu said honestly, "I just want you to say my name.".

"I don't see why this is relevant to the situation. You need to go pack-"

"Say it.".

"I will not tolerate this way of speaking, boy." His father said, sounding frustrated. But Chiharu was frustrated too. More so, actually.

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