meatball and cupcake

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It takes him days before he is able to get a hold of Minho and it also takes him that certain number of days to tolerate Hyunjin and his drama. He tries to convince himself that this will only be for a matter of time. Minho will probably do something about it, won't he?

But Minho doesn't.

And Felix wants to bawl his eyes out in the middle of their living room while Hyunjin is drying his hair, ready for yet another dance practice he is going to conduct.

Hyunjin looks at him curiously but doesn't try to engage in a conversation. Maybe this is the time for him to actually open a conversation because Felix really thinks he is losing his mind over a series of texts he got from no other than Lee Minho himself.

From: Minho-hyung

Why are you complaining to me? Complain to your housemate. Also, we are going to visit you there later.

To: Minho-hyung

Because it is your goddamn apartment! And who is the 'we'?

From: Minho-hyung

Channie and our baby.

There is a slight possibility that he will not get out of the apartment alive without possibly raging over Hyunjin who literally strips his top clothing off while yawning and the fact that Minho will not do anything to save him from Hyunjin's annoying antics.

Felix throws his cell phone to the farthest area of the couch—he tries not to but forgive him for his daily agenda of losing his mind—and lets out a long, soft sound of his desperation.

Where are his hyungs when he needs them the most?

"You look..." Hyunjin speaks with grace and topless torso. If he catches Felix staring at him, Felix wishes he doesn't pay attention to it because he is definitely not staring at the ridges of his abdomen and the rib cages that protrude every time he inhales, "Unwell." Hyunjin finishes his sentence.

He knows he looks unwell.

Try to lay on your bed thinking about your housemate and what dumbassery is he going to do next, are you even going to fall asleep the way you wanted to? He probably is just making excuses and he knows that himself. Hyunjin doesn't do pretty much anything to him, but he is still so affected of Hyunjin's mere act of breathing, of running around just to get a shirt, of looking at himself through the mirror to see his fit, and of turning around to Felix, making Felix struggle to hold his breath in because he will definitely not hyperventilate in front of Hyunjin.

"Seriously Felix, you look really unwell. Are you even capable of going to your workplace?" Hyunjin's voice is laced with concern and latency. If only the 3 AM version Hyunjin does it the way this Hyunjin in front of him does, then maybe he will not be complaining about his supposed very good night's sleep interruption to their landlord slash friend slash annoying hyung, Minho.

He wants to come up of a witty remark, something that will make him smile from victory and will make Hyunjin bash away from defeat. He isn't even sure why he is taking tabs and counting their bickering because Hyunjin is just so nonchalant about it.

He looks back at Hyunjin―the fervor in his eyes should be thrown down the sink and be forgotten because he will, in no other way, never let Hyunjin see that―and thins the slits of his eyes he can only see a minute fogged figure of Hyunjin in his black sweater.

"And if I am not, are you going to bring me to the bakery then?" He attempts to look smug. He knows he can rile Hyunjin up with this remark. Isn't this how Hyunjin teases him? He's just making sure that Hyunjin gets a taste of his own medicine!

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