Sweet Dreams

476 31 16

((( authors note: this chapter gets kinda weird hahaha just a heads up)))
*Harry's POV*
"Oh god! Quick! Make a run for it!" Draco whisper yelled in my ear. I nodded and together we darted off, leaving the screaming teachers behind.

We reached the Great Hall when we decided to stop running. We couldn't hear the professors yelling "did you get a good photo?!" Or "get a room!" Or even "50 galleons there's a baby at the end of the year!" I blushed furiously at the last one. "Is it even possible for two boys to have a baby? You know, without adopting?" I asked "yeah, it's a wizard thing" Draco replied calmly as if he were expecting a child too. I am not going to have a baby while I'm only 14. Heck! I might not be the one having the baby!

"Just saying you are the girl in this relationship" Draco said as if reading my thoughts "I'm the boy" he said smiling as if saying 'we should have a child, it'll be fun *cough because your the one giving birth to it cough*' "hey! Why am I the girl!" I complained. "Because I'm more dominant than you" he replied moving closer, enjoying my reactions. "What makes you more dominant? hmmm?" I asked "because this" he said and he began to kiss me. He did that tongue thing and I opened up this time, determine to win but he was winning.

We pulled away panting. He had won. "See? I'm more dominant making me the boy and you the girl." Draco said smugly. "Whatever" I said trying to be serious. I yawned sweetly. "Awwww, is it bed time for my ickle Hawwy?" Draco asked, baby talking me. I nodded and held up my arms for him to pick me up. Gently, Draco picked me up and carried me to the Gryffindor dorms. "Goodnight Harry, sweet dreams" he said before slipping away into the darkness and headed off to the Slytherin dorms.

I slipped inside that portrait and headed up to my room that I shared with a few people. everyone in the dorm was asleep much to my surprise. I got can bed into pyjamas and climbed in bed. I started to think about Draco. His sweet kind voice, his crystal eyes, sweet lips and perfect skin. "Goodnight Harry, sweet dreams" Draco had said.

With Draco in my dreams, they were indeed sweet.

*Harry's dream*
I was on the Hogwarts express sitting in a compartment alone. It was actually really nice not having to listen to Hermione and Ron nag in my ear. Suddenly, Draco burst in. "I love you, Harry Potter!" He yelled before kissing me. This time, I kissed back. "I love you too, Draco!" I yelled back. When the train arrived at Hogwarts station, we got our own boat that flouted us across to Hogwarts. Then at dinner, he got down on one knee and proposed to me. "YES!" I yelled in reply. The next morning we were walking down near the Black Lake when a 5th year Ravenclaw scooped up Draco and ran away while some Hufflepuffs threw me in the Black Lake.
*end of Harry's dream* ((( very random hahahahah )))

Slowly, I opened my eyes. I have really weird dreams. Sometimes I think it's just side effect of being insane, although I told Hermione about the crazy dreams and she said it was just me being unique. Very unique indeed.

I quickly got changed and ran down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I looked straight over at the Slytherin table and spotted Draco. I smiled sweetly and he returned the gesture. I couldn't help but noticing that there were a few galleons being passed around up at the professors table. Ron and Hermione seemed to notice it too, but they didn't know why. I haven't told them yet but I'll get to it.

"Hey, I just saw a few professors passing around galleons like they were making bets. It was just as you walked in too, Harry." Ron said, taking a small break from eating to talk then to continue eating. "Oh" I said in a small voice. I could feel Hermione's intense stare on the side of my face. "Who is it?!" She said scooting close to me. She had a way of finding this thing just by looking at your face, how, I don't know. "Umm, I'll tell you guys later when we get back to the common room."

Hermione didn't look exactly pleased with that answer but happy that she would be told. I glanced over at Draco who was already looking at me. He seemed to notice something had happened because he looked towards the doors of the Great Hall and back at me. "I have to go to the toilet, be right back" I said getting up. and speeding out of the hall. I walked down the corridors a bit till I heard footsteps behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Draco close behind so I stopped walking. "What is it?!" He asked rather alarmed. "... Nothing, it just-" I started before I was cut off "just what?!" Draco said frantically. "I have to tell Hermione and Ron. They know something is up, and if I don't tell them.... Well, Ron gets a bit, ahh, vengeful. And Hermione, she'd probably end up finding out because she is quite observant and cleaver" I summed up.

Draco looked like he was in deep thoughts. "Well, just tell them not to tell anyone. Unless your ready for people to know, then they-" "no." I cut him off. "I'm not ready" I said looking into his eyes as tears welled in mine. "Awwww Harry. It's okay, if you don't want anyone to know, they don't have to know" Draco said pulling me into a long hug.

Draco was great. He was always there when I needed help. Now, I don't see why I didn't date him earlier. He was ready to do anything to make me happy.

"Come on, let's go for a walk." Draco said wrapping his arm around me. "But class is about to start" I said. It was also that professor that gave Draco and I detention so we didn't want to get on his bad side. "I don't care, that professor is an annoying git. We'll skip that lesson today." Draco said, laughing.

*time skip to on their walk (around the black lake)*

Draco and I had our hands intertwined and small smiles on our faces. "I love you." Draco said, smiling and looked at me. "I love you too." I said back, looking into his eyes. I was so lost in his beautiful bluey grey eyes I hadn't noticed how he was moving closer. Our lips touched, timidly at first. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

Time ran away from us as we lay on the grass, still on Hogwarts grounds. We could hear something around us, but we didn't care. Draco and I ignore whoever or whatever the noise was and lay on the grass with our eyes closed.

Ka ching

I heard a camera go off. Draco seemed very confused by the sound, being a pureblood and all. "So cute!" I heard a girl squeal. Lavender Brown. She squealed waving her camera around, hyperventilating.


Oops. That was the sound of a camera being smashed. I looked over next to me and Draco wasn't there. I looked over to see Draco stomping on the camera, mumbling. "Do that again and I swear, I will destroy you!" Draco huffed, "my boyfriend doesn't want everyone knowing about us. Don't tell anyone" Draco warned.

God love him. "Thanks, Draco" I said, smiling "never knew you were so loyal." I added as we got up and started to head back to the castle. "I am loyal to what's mine and mine only, and I'll take that as a compliment" he smiled, lifting an eyebrow making him look like a god.

*Draco's POV*
As Harry and I walked back to castle, he pulled out this weird little thing. When he pressed a button, a black surface lit up with colours. He tapped on the little thing. "What's that?" I asked, curiosity killing me. "And iPod. I can listen to music." He explained.

"Ahhhhhh. So what bands do you like? The Weird Sisters?" I asked. The little thing was really interesting. "Umm, no. I listen to Of Monsters and Men, Foster the People, umm... A little bit of Fall Out Boy and Black Veil Brides." Harry summed up. That made no sense AT ALL in my mind. I had never ever heard of any of those bands. Harry handed me a little white bulb thing attached to a string.

"The hell am I supposed to do with this?" I said, carefully starring at it. Harry laughed and put it in his ear. I tried to copy him but it just fell out of my ear. "Here, I'll do it fo- woah, you have really small ears" Harry said. He tried a couple of times to put the little bulb things in my ears but they didn't stay. "Just hold it there" he instructed.

We walked down the corridor listening to all Harry's interesting music. We had just listened to Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides which took me by surprise. I never had expected Harry to listen to that sort of music. Now we're listening to Slow and Steady by Of Monsters and Men. They are very different songs so I found Harry's music taste quite unique... But interesting.

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